Faster Pussycat – The Power and the Glory Hole (2006)
Faster Pussycat returned in 2006 with their first new studio disc in 14 years, The Power and the Glory Hole.
The only remaining original member is singer Taime Down. The rest of the band is filled out by Xristian Simon on Guitar, Danny Nordahl on Bass, and Chad Stewart on Drums.
I have to be honest. I hope the songs that Faster Pussycat performs at Rocklahoma are from their late 80’s and early 90’s catalog. I do not think The Power and the Glory Hole is a glorious return for Faster Pussycat at all. This new CD has elements of sleaze, glam and industrial type of music. Some songs almost work, and some are so noisy, I could not enjoy them at all. At times, it almost sounds like band is trying to venture into Marilyn Manson territory. If you like that style of music, you may enjoy this, but this was a little to different from original releases for my taste.
A couple of the songs on this disc, if reworked with less industrial style bass, could have been very cool. Unfortunately, distorted bass over powers most of the songs on the The Power & The Glory Hole.
If Faster Pussycat’s Rocklahoma set consists of songs mainly off of this disc, I would recommend getting in line for a beer, and some food. This disc will likely disappoint most fans of 80’s style hard rock. I found this disc unlistenable.
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
1. Number One With A Bullet
2. Gotta Love It
3. Useless
4. Sex, Drugs, And Rock’N’Roll
5. Disintegrate
6. These Boots Are Made For Walking
7. Hey You
8. Porn Star
9. The Power And The Gloryhole
10. Shut Up And Fuck
11. Bye Bye Bianca
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Just heard this album and like the previous poster, I grok the new sound.
It ain’t 80s (being 47 this much I know) but at least they didn’t go emo
It still rawks 🙂
Unlike most bands that have been around since the 80’s FP has updated there sound and I absolutely love this cd. Tamie’s effort to redefine FP and bring the band into the new millenium works for me. I like there old stuff too, don’t get me wrong but the 80’s are gone and I applause FP for not trying to stick with a “safe” formula type sound and instead venture into new musical territory.
If Faster Pussycat started as an industrial act, I would probably enjoy this record too. The band has always had a hard/sleaze rock sound. Not that I would expect for them to rehash their old tunes from the early 90’s, but they used to be able to write catchy tunes, and this album is far too different from the sound they used to possess.
Glad you like it Rylee. It isn’t an album for everyone though.