Mower – Not For You (Release Year – 2007)
Typically Mower is not the type of band that I would usually listen to. I usually am a little more resistant to bands with hardcore tendencies.
I must admit that Mower is far better than I ever could have expected. Pinpointing the band’s style is a little more difficult than I expected. There are elements of hardcore, a little bit thrash, mixed with a little bit of stoner rock for good measure. Within the songs, I can hear elements of early Metallica fused with Anthrax, Rob Zombie and a small dash of Black Sabbath. The energy in the songs captivates my ears with every spin.
While I release this type of rock may not be everyone’s cup of tea, Mower’s latest CD, Not For You is one worth checking out. My favorite cuts so far are American Psycho, Look Away, U-Turn, Road Rage, and the thrashing cover of California Dreamin’.
Mower is the second metal band that I have heard lately using a dual vocal approach (the first being Atreyu.) The mixture of Brian Sheerin and Dominic Moscatello is a little different than Atreyu’s approach. One singer is all metal, the other is hardcore. It makes for an intersting mix.
Not For You is a short listen. It has 15 songs clocking in at roughly 39 minutes. Most of the songs here are less than 3 minutes in length. To me, it is the shorter length on the songs that makes this disc more listenable. If you like you music on the heavier side, Mower may be an act for you to get a quick Metal fix.
For more information on Mower, check out their myspace page here or their website Mower Music.
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
1. American Psycho
2. Road Rage
3. 10′ X 10′
4. The End
5. Look Away
6. Broken Hands
8. General Admission
9. U-Turn
11. Not For You
12. L.A. Riot
13. Zone
14. Seedless
15. California Dreamin’
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Yep…that’s some decent stuff there….
Vocals that can be understood…..a major step in the right direction….LOL
These guys sound real good. I’m definitely gonna check ’em out.
The first “hardcore” band that I really liked was War of Ages’ album, Pride of the Wicked. (myspace page is Very melodic metalcore.