Nitro – O.F.R. (Release Year – 1989)
One of the craziest releases of the late 80’s, was O.F.R. by Nitro. Everything about this four piece band was so completely over the top, it wasn’t even funny. The only thing higher than Jim Gillette’s hair was the octave of his glass breaking screams.
Michael Angelo Batio’s guitar playing was nearly as high pitched as Gillette’s voice.
Former Vinnie Vincent Invasion drummer, Bobby Rock did a pretty good job maintaining the pace of this high speed, high octave hair metal. Nitro only proved to be one of the many sub par bands that he would be a member of.
I wish I could tell you that Nitro’s music was awesome, but quite honestly, Freight Train, is probably the best song on the album, and that isn’t saying much.
Most of the songs are focused around Gillette’s high pitched wails and screams. Although Nitro’s music is above average, Gillette’s vocals can grate on your nerves, and if anything else are some what ridiculous to listen to. When Gillette isn’t breaking glass with his voice, Batio is usually guitar noodling at notes nearly as high as Gillette’s voice. This too can grate on your nerves.
If they band managed to do anything, it was to get themselves noticed with their insane sonic attack.
Aside from Freight Train, the song Long Way From Home, is probably the closest thing resembling a hit on this album. O.F.R is exactly what you would expect it to be, out-fucking-rageous, it just isn’t very good. Migraine sufferers might not want to play this album during an attack.
After listening to this album again for the first time in years, I honestly believe the best thing Gillette did was marry Lita Ford.
This album is long out of print, and I doubt too many of you would want to pay the top dollars it will take to track this one down. That is unless you need some of your old glassware broken.
If you are dying to hear some songs by this band, check out their myspace page.
Rating:Out of 10
Track Listing:
1. Freight Train
2. Double Trouble
3. Machine Gunn Eddie
4. Long Way From Home
5. Bring it Down
6. Nasty Reputation
7. Fighting Mad
8. Shot Heard ‘Round the World
9. O.F.R.
Nitro is:
Jim Gillette – vocals
Michael Angelo – guitars
T.J. Racer – bass
Bobby Rock – drums
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freight train is a great song.
(can any one tell me were i can get a nitro shirt off the web?)[email protected]
I too am looking for a nitro shirt. Did you have luck finding one?
I’ve found a few online from the first tour but they’re expensive as hell and in rough shape. Ive seen people making their own with hi-res versions of the logo from OFR and I have scans of the front and back of a couple concert t shirts but I’m not sure how legal those are to produce and sell since the group got back together.
great album
Nitro were horrible…MAB being the only bright spot with his shredding.Coaster material…