Cruefest 2008 – Buckcherry
Buckcherry was one of the bands at Cruefest that I was looking forward to almost as much as Motley Crue. I have heard by quite a few folks that Buckcherry puts on a great show, but I never caught them live until Cruefest.
Buckcherry’s set list included the songs, “Lit up”, “Next To you”, “Everything”, “Broken glass”, “Sorry”, “Too Drunk” and an over 13 minute version of “Crazy Bitch” to close the show out. “Crazy Bitch” was one of the songs that I was looking forward to. I thought this extended version was a little bit too over the top, and way too long. Buckcherry could have added two more songs to their set by the time they got done with this one. I would have loved to have heard a couple more of their older tunes.
Aside from the “Crazy Bitch” performance, I thought Buckcherry was very good. Josh Todd is a very good front man, and the band is very tight. I never put much thought into Buckcherry’s guitarists, but both Keith Nelson and Stevie D. were very good. Their performance wasn’t quite as athletic as Papa Roach’s, but they were fun to watch nonetheless. They are definitely one of the better bands on the Cruefest bill.
I am hoping to catch Buckcherry again in September at X-Fest in Dayton, Ohio with Avenged Sevenfold. Hopefully, they will do a normal version of Crazy Bitch the next time around.
You can watch the edited Crazy Bitch video here. (I cut out the 3 minute monologue at the beginning of the song).
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Well i thought that their extended version of crazy bitch was amazing to be honest. I love papa roach so out of all the bands my list is 1:papa roach 2:motley 3:buckcherry 4:sixx am and 5:trapt
I think that the New Buckcherry is Awesome… Quit complaining unless you think that you can do better. Josh Todd is the most amazing voice in RNR today.
I back them 100% Rock on guys!
I’m really into “Black Robot” right now which is 3 members of Buckcherry. They have a song called Momma Don’t Cry which should be on the radio. They are getting 1000 downloads a day on myspace so If you like the classic rock sound, check them out.The guitars are killer and the singer is really good. J.E.
I thought Buckcherry was one of the breakout groups coming into this millenium. I first saw them live at Woodstock ’99, and became a fan. “Lit Up” was the song they dragged out back then, and “For the Movies” has since been forgotten as a hit. They broke-up for a while, and Josh even tried out for Velvet Revolver. I’ve seen them 9 times and would be 10 if they didn’t cancel a Bike Week appearance. I keep hoping to be impressed again…They always play short sets and “Crazy Bitch/Stroke” is unfortunately part of the soon-to-be tired act. “Too Drunk” is more of the same. I understand its a new band line-up (again) and the original guys are now Black Robot… Waiting to hear that.