Love/Hate – Let’s Rumble (Release Year – 1993)
Let’s Rumble is the their effort by L.A. Rockers Love/Hate. The band was dropped by Columbia, and this album was financed by Love/Hate’s bass player Skid, who sold his corvette for 20K, in order to put this album out.
This CD features the guitar playing of Darren Householder who joined Love/Hate after the bands’ original guitarist Jon E. Love quit the group.
I like Love/Hate’s debut album, Black Out in the Red Room, and sophomore effort Wasted America a lot, so I was really hoping for more of the same with Let’s Rumble.
After spinning this a few times, I can’t help but to thing something is missing from their initial releases. Love/Hate was able to write and record a bunch of sleazy good tunes on their first couple of albums, but Let’s Rumble is missing the groove that made their initial recordings so good. Jon E. Love played great on those discs, and his absence can be felt on this disc.
Don’t get me wrong, Darren Householder’s playing on this disc is very good, but I believe the chemistry between him, Jizzy Pearl and Skid is missing. I just don’t get the same vibe from Let’s Rumble.
Love/Hate did have a minor hit on this disc with the tune “Spinning Wheel”, and I like that tune well enough. “If You Believe In Miracles” has a much more stripped back sound than the other tunes on this disc, and is definitely one of the highlights here. The other songs on this disc just don’t get much of a reaction from me. It is like the guitar work is better than the songs, or the songs don’t mesh with the guitar playing. Either way, it all sounds very average to me. I bet Skid wishes he could get his Corvette back after recording this. Love/Hate has done much better than this.
Let’s Rumble has been out of print for quite a while, but you can find copies of this disc through and Ebay. This is a disc for Love/Hate die hard fans only. If you prefer digital downloads, Love/Hate has made this album available for download on their website for free at this link.
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
1. Let’s Rumble
2. Spinning Wheel
3. Boozer
4. Wrong Side of the Grape
5. Devil’s Squaw
6. Black Iguana
7. Beer Money
8. Here’s to You
9. Sexical
10. If You Believe in Miracles
11. Flower
Love/Hate is:
Jizzy Pearl – Vocals
Darren Householder – Guitars
Skid – Bass
Joey Gold – Drums
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Spinning Wheel is a good tune, but the rest of the album is well average for Love/Hate.
who the hell am I, but in my opinion, Spinningwheel is one of the most bad ass hard rock tunes ever written. that tune got the party started 15 years ago, and it still does today.