Johnny Burning – Get Up, Get Loose, Get Off! (Release Year – 2008)
Sleaze Rock has seen one of hell of a resurgence over the past few years. While the majority of the bands have came out of Sweden, Johnny Burning is here to show the world that Italians can do it just as good if not better than the Swedes and judging from their album “Get Up, Get Loose, Get Off!” this five piece band from Imola, Italy are definitely on the right track.
There are about three song titles that kind of leave me scratching my head wondering what they are talking about. The first such song is the lead off track “Wrong Shape” but the guys can be forgiven because the song absolutely rocks with a great groove, catchy lyrics, a great sing a long chorus, and a smoking solo. Lead singer Manuel (no last name needed) sounds like a cross between the legendary Jesse Hart (Southgang) and Mimmo (Krystal), the guy can really sing and probably the biggest thing for me, I can understand what he is singing which unfortunately has kept me from being able to get into a couple of other Italian bands in the past. I’m not sure who is supposed to get credit for the solo since the band has two guitarists D.B. & Niko (once again no last names needed), but neither are distinguished as the lead or rhythm.
“Devil Inside” pretty much follows the same suit as “Wrong Shape” and it is just as rocking too. These guys definitely know how to write catchy songs with great hooks that will keep a part of your body tapping be it your head, feet, or hands you won’t be able to help yourself.
The third track is another one of those scratching my head title and it definitely gets my vote for the most interesting song title of year “Sassy Lassie Goose” is another great song that follows the same recipe as the albums first two tracks and pretty the rest of the album follows as well.
I have no idea what “Idiota” means but Johnny Burning changes things up just enough with this track to keep things interesting with it’s an a capella opening and throwing some harmonica in there as well.
“Shine” is the ballad/mid tempo song on the album and unfortunately it was written about 20 years to late because back in the 80’s this song would have been a monster hit. It could have easily stood toe to toe with any song released by Bon Jovi, Poison, Great White, or any other band we could sit here and name and it could just as easily stand toe to toe with any of the power ballads that have been released over the past couple of years, maybe a disc jockey somewhere will give this song the chance it deserves and give it some air play.
For “Rock in the U.S.A.” the guys drop the sleaze and give a more melodic approach but the results are just as great as any other song on this album.
I can’t forget the rhythm section of Cesko on bass and Rob on drums because they definitely keep everybody in line on this album.
If you like your rock sleazy with a touch of blues, big choruses, and smokin’ solos Johnny Burning maybe exactly what you are looking for.
Track Listing:
01. Intro
02. Wrong Shape
03. Devil Inside
04. Idiota
05. Sassy Lassie Goose
06. Lost & Found
07. Burning Miracle
08. Time To Rock
09. Shine
10. Rock In The U.S.A.
11. Turn Down Just To Leave It
Johnny Burning is:
Manuel – vocals
D.B. – guitars
Niko – guitars
Cesko – bass
Rob – drums
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Superb web-site yours faithfully Eladia Giannell
Johnny Burnings is for me one of the best newcomers 2008,i saw them live on stage,they just really kick ass and the album i love it,for me sleaze kick ass rockn roll at his best !!!
Thank you Ghermy for letting me know I appreciate it. I admit it did take a minute or two for me to get used to Manuel’s voice but the songs are so catchy and after the second or third spin is when I noticed the Jesse Hart/Mimmo comparison. Give Southgang or Krystal a listen and you’ll see what I am talking about.
Idiota is an italian word that stand for “idiot”.
I’m with Metal Mark on this one. I just couldn’t get into it at all. I’ve tried several times, but there’s only 1 or 2 songs that I halfway like.
I couldn’t get into this one. The music was alright, but the vocals were way too high. He took his voice up and it rarely came down. It was somewhere between Bret Michaels and Minnie Mouse.