Rock Allegiance Tour 2013 – All That Remains
In 2013, I have seen quite a few new and classic bands for the very first time. One of those bands is All That Remains. I have seen plenty of their video clips over the years, as well as a live DVD, but have never experienced All That Remains in a live setting.
All That Remains is a band that has stayed off of my radar, simply because I wasn’t a big fan of the band’s metalcore beginnings. The bands more recent offerings lean more towards the mainstream. The songs that singer Philip Labonte sings in a clean singing voice I like a lot. While All That Remains live show is a mix of both styles, there are more than enough songs with the clean vocals to keep me interested. I am glad that I got to see the band perform at the Rock Allegiance concert. I will definitely be picking up their latest album A War You Cannot Win soon!
If you haven’t heard All that Remains before, I recommend you check out the video clips below.