Posts By Brian Basher
1 Dirty Penny – Young & Reckless (2009)
If you’ve never heard Dirty Penny; well first of all you need to come out from the rock you’ve been living under the last few years cause these California boys are the real F’N deal, and secondly it will only take one listen to their sophomore effort “Young & Reckless” for you to see that these guys were fed a steady diet of 80’s era Sunset Strip hard rock growing up; especially Motley Crue’s “Too Fast For Love”, and the world is a much better place because of it. Made up Binge Daniels on vocals, Jonny Prynce on guitar, Tyno Vincent on bass, and Spanky Savage on drums; Dirty Penny with a little help from producer Johnny Lima, have grown in leaps and bounds since the release of their 2007 debut “Take It Sleezy”. With a sound falling somewhere between early Motley Crue and L.A. Guns; Dirty Penny has firmly embraced the past while still keeping their heads in the present, and they’ve managed to trim the fat from their music that weighs a lot of the new sleaze/glam bands down nowadays.
“Young & Reckless” kicks off with “If I Were You (I’d Hate Me Too)”, and the Boys are hitting on all rock n’ roll cylinders on the opener; a song that can be called nothing, but a smash hit. What I really love about this song is the huge massive drums from Spanky Savage, the guy must be hiding an extra set of arms somewhere. Heavy, but catchy, and filled with piss and vinegar this is the type of song that will be listened to and loved for years to come. Track #2 on “Young & Reckless” is “In Luv With Insanity” and every time I hear it I keep expecting L.A. Gun’s Phil Lewis to jump in and share the vocals with Binge Daniels it just has that big of a L.A. Guns sound to it, but a great song nevertheless. Spanky “the Octopus” Savage strikes again on “L.C.S.” stealing the spotlight from guitarist Jonny Price, who puts on a great performance on this heavy rocker, but Savage’s drums just sound so massive once again. Tyno Vincent finally gets some well deserved attention with his playing for track #4 “On My Sleeve”. Just some great fat, thumping bass lines from Vincent and a great solo from Prynce as well. “On My Sleeve” is #2 on my favorites list off “Young & Reckless”, if commercial rock radio was of any use to the world at all it would be all over this song. Jonny Prynce has a great intro on “Goin’ Out In Style” and the rest of the band follows through on this heavy rocker. “Stand On My Own” is yet another track rock radio should be all over, and although it has a few F bombs in it, which is nothing a radio edit can’t take care of, this song just flat-out rocks from beginning to end. Prynce has a cool short but sweet solo on this track as well, which is #3 on my favorites list. Other stand out tracks on “Young & Reckless” include “Livin’ Rock”, “Wrecking Ball” & “Crash and Burn”, but you really can’t go wrong on any of the 13 tracks on “Young & Reckless”.
Judging from Dirty Penny’s growth from “Take It Sleezy” to “Young & Reckless” the Boys have just began to scratch the surface of what they are capable of in rock n’ roll and I for one am F’N excited cause I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be a hell of a ride. If you’re looking for a leader in the resurgence of sleaze/glam hard rock in the U.S. They can be found in Santa Cruz, CA in the form of Dirty Penny.
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
- If I Were You I’d Hate Me Too
- In Luv with Insanity
- On My Sleeve
- Goin’ Out In Style
- Stand On My Own
- Sleeping Dogs
- Devil In Me
- Dead At 16
- Livin’ Rock
- Run To You
- Crash & Burn
- Wrecking Ball
Dirty Penny is:
Binge Daniels – Vocals
Jonny Prynce – Guitar
Tyno Vincent – Bass
Spanky Savage – Drums
0 Rock N’ America coming to Oklahoma City July 22nd thru 25th
Starting July 22nd thru the 25th Oklahoma City is going to be a hard rock lover’s paradise; all thanks to the first ever Rock N’ America Festival. With a line-up that includes Great White, Trixter, Slaughter, Lynch Mob; plus new bands like Dirty Penny, Texas Hippie Coalition, Crooked X, and headliners Twisted Sister, Scorpions, and Ratt ;even 70′s glamsters the Sweet are scheduled to perform and what is sure to be a festival highlight Friday night there is scheduled to be a main stage tribute to the late, great Ronnie James Dio. Rock N’ America offers something for hard rock fanatics old and new. Rock N’ America kicks off Thursday, July 22nd with a FREE 12 band concert including Dirty Penny and Crooked X. For more information you can visit
On the July 21st edition of the Hard Rock Hideout Radio Show Brian Basher is going to kick off the Rock N’ America Festival celebration early as we will be taking a close-up listen to all the bands scheduled to appear on Rock N’ America’s Side and Main Stages. the Hard Rock Hideout Radio Show every Wednesday night from 9 P.M. to midnight Central Standard Time on KACV-FM 90 in Amarillo, Texas, or online at this link.
0 Maylene & the Sons of Disaster – III (2009)
Maylene & the Sons of Disaster are a six piece southern rock band from Birmingham, AL made up of Ex-Underoath Vocalist Dallas Taylor, Roman Havaland – Bass, Chad Huff – Guitar, Kelly Scott Nunn – Guitar, Jake Duncan – Guitar, and Matt Clark – Drums, but make no mistake about they are not your dad’s Southern Rock, with their three guitar assault, and leaning toward the heavier side of the musical spectrum definitely blurring the lines between hardcore/metal and swampy, 1970s boogie Southern rock. One thing you can take to the bank though is you will experience a musical ass whipping like no other after one listen to the band’s newest release “III” and come back begging for more. It’s funny how fast things change, especially in music, if you would’ve asked me who Maylene & the Sons of Disaster were on Dec 12th, 2009 my honest answer would’ve been I have no freaking clue. If you had asked me the very same question on Dec 13th, 2009 my answer would’ve been one of the most kick ass bands I’ve heard in a long time and that answer was just based on hearing their single “Step Up (I’m On It)”, before I even got my hands on their album “III”. Now to make sure I wasn’t just blinded by the awesomeness that is “Step Up (I’m On It)”, I sent Rob Rockitt and Christine Sixx the band’s myspace link and the first words out of both of their mouths was “Holy Sh*T!!” so I knew my answer of one of the most kick ass bands I’ve heard in a long time was justified.
“III” starts off with “Waiting On My Deathbed” it starts off with a slow build intro of banjo, mandolin, and piano before the band kicks in and Taylor’s vocals are unleashed, heavy but filled with melody to still sing along is the best way to describe this song, a great album opener. “Settling Scores By Burning Bridges” is up next and it is even heavier than “Deathbed” but still filled with melody and both songs have great solos in them. Just from the opening notes of “Just A Shock” you can tell this is going to be a flat out rocker and the band doesn’t disappoint in the least bit, not as heavy as the first two tracks and more commercial radio friendly I can see “Just A Shock” getting a lot of air play if released as a single and the same could be said for “Last Train Coming” it is just as radio friendly and has some great background vocals. Next up is “Step Up (I’m On It)” and to put it simply; without question in my opinion this is the most bad ass song on the planet today. I was floored the first time I heard it and it continues to kick my ass on a daily basis. “Listen Up” does a 180 from the previous songs on “III”, but it still kicks ass just the same. Easily the most commercial song on the album and should have no problem becoming a major hit on radio “Listen Up” is the kind of song you can put on repeat and listen to it over and over without getting tired of. “The Old Iron Hills” and “No Good Son” are two more great straight up rockers much in the vein of “Last Train Coming” and “Just A Shock”, while “Harvest Moon Hanging” and “Oh Lonely Grave” lean back to the heavier side of Maylene’s spectrum.
If Maylene and the Sons of Disaster do not become a known name after releasing an album like “III” the music business is more screwed up than I thought it was, because this album is damn near perfect.
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
- Waiting On My Deathbed
- Settling Scores by Burning Bridge
- Just a Shock
- Last Train Coming
- Step Up (I’m On It)
- Listen Close
- The Old Iron Hills
- No Good Son
- Harvest Moon Hanging
- Oh Lonely Grave
- The End Is Here…The End Is Beautiful
Maylene & The Sons of Disaster are:
Dallas Taylor – lead vocals
Roman Haviland – bass, backing vocals
Chad Huff – guitar
Kelly Scott Nunn – guitar
Jake Duncan – guitar, backing vocals
Matt Clark – drums
0 Last Autumn’s Dream – A Touch of Heaven (2010)
Melodic rockers Last Autumn’s Dream are back with their 7th release “A Touch of Heaven”, and it will have melodic rock fans chomping at the bit, wanting to get their hands on it. The German/Swedish group made up of Mikael Erlandsson (Lead Vocals, keyboards), Andy Malecek ( Guitars) Nalley Pahlsson ( Bass, vocals), Jamie Borger ( Drums, vocals) have put together one hell of a good album. Picking up where the bands’ last effort “Dreamcatcher” left off the band continues to perfect their sound and songwriting with songs ranging from custom built stadium anthems, mid-tempo rockers, to ballads. The guys even let their Cheap Trick influence shine through on both “See My Baby Jive” and a cover of the legends staple “Surrender”. Erlandsson and Malecek both shine on “A Touch of Heaven”, Erlandsson continues to show me why he is fast becoming one of my favorite singers today. The rhythm section of Pahlsson and Borger are tight and steady throughout the album, which may make their performances shine even brighter considering the fact they have not been playing together very long, Pahlsson replaced Marcel Jacob, who passed away last year.
“A Touch of Heaven” starts off with a brief intro titled “Heaven & Earth”, before heading into “Caught In Between”, which is a mid tempo number with a sing along chorus and some great bass from Pahlsson and a great solo from Malecek, who proves great solos are not all about flash and speed. “Top of the World” is next and like I said earlier it is a custom built stadium anthem, in my opinion would be a great way to kick off a live show as a way to get the crowd involved right from the start. “Top of the World” is just a great foot tapping, sing along song something the world needs more of these days. “Candle In The Dark” is another mid-tempo number, but a little more balladesque than “Caught In Between”, but still a good song nonetheless. “Come Rain Or Shine” is our fourth track and it can easily put up a good fight for best song on “A Touch of Heaven”, excellent playing by everyone involved, but Malecek’s solo and playing are simply brilliant. With some great background vocals, as well “Come Rain or Shine” is another great foot tapping sing along song. “Heartbreaker” has my vote as best song on the album, but that is definitely subject to change at any moment. Everything about this song is great from the chorus to the keyboards to the solo, it is just perfect melodic rock. The band get a little help from the one and only Jeff Scott Soto on “Last Mistake” as he contributed background vocals for this mid tempo gem, fans of Firehouse should find a lot to like about this song. Fans of Cheap Trick and Enuff Z’nuff will find a lot to love about “See My Baby Jive” as it could easily pass for a song from either band as well one more contender for best song on “A Touch of Heaven”. “What’s On Your Mind” & “How Long” are two more outstanding songs on “A Touch of Heaven” custom built for radio airplay as is the majority of this album.
If you have never heard Last Autumn’s Dream before “A Touch of Heaven” is the perfect starting point to get to know the band before going back to check out the rest of their catalog, if you are a long time fan of Last Autumn’s Dream then “A Touch of Heaven” will not disappoint at all. Simply put “A Touch of Heaven” is an excellent album worthy of your hard earned dollars.
Check out Last Autumn’s Dream on myspace at this link.
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
01. Heaven And Earth
02. Caught In Between
03. Top Of The World
04. Candle In The Dark
05. Come Rain Or Shine
06. Heartbreaker
07. Last Mistake
08. See My Baby Jive
09. Renegade
10. What’s On Your Mind
11. How Long
12. Surrender
13. Jenny’s Eyes
Last Autumn’s Dream is:
Mikael Erlandsson (Lead Vocals, keyboards)
Andy Malecek (ex FAIR WARNING; guitars)
Nalley Pahlsson (TREAT bass, vocals)
Jamie Borger (TALISMAN; drums, vocals)
0 Stockholm Rock Out Festival Apr 30th & May 1st
Stockholm Rock Out will held for the first time on April 30 and May 1, with a scheduled line-up that includes Jani Lane, Keel, Chris Laney, Bulletboys, Badmouth, Dizzy Reed (Guns N’ Roses) and more. For all international artists this show will be exclusive for Scandinavia. In addition to great bands, there will be bars, shops, tattoo artists and more. No need to worry about the weather or camping as this year the two day festival will be held indoors. For more information you can go to
Confirmed Bands:
Jani Lane formerly of Warrant (US)
Keel (US) – First show in Sweden since 1986
Dizzy Reed of Guns n Roses (US)
BulletBoys (US) – First show EVER in Sweden!
Chris Laney (S) – w/ Special guest Zinny Zan (Shotgun Messiah, Easy Action)
Badmouth (S) – w/ Special Guest
Dynazty (S)
Killer Clan of F.U.N. (S)
7 Brian Basher’s Best of ’09
No doubt 2008 was a great year for hard rock I thought it would be very hard for ’09 to top it,but boy was I wrong. Not only did ’09 top’08 it completely blew it out of the water. Looking back over the last year it is hard to believe I reviewed close to 50 albums, and at least that many I didn’t have time to get reviews done for. Now you add those on top of what Rob Rockitt and Ryo Vie have done this year it should be no surprise it was so damn hard to put a Top 10 together. So much great music came out this year from both established and new acts it would’ve been impossible for me to make a Top 10 so I had to lay down some rules for myself. First of all I threw previous ratings out the window then I took a step back and looked at what albums I kept coming back to throughout the year, and although I was able to narrow it down quite a bit I still found it near freaking impossible to pick 10 albums. Just to give you an idea of how hard it was here are a few albums I absolutely loved that did not make my Top 10 “Whatever Gets You Off” – the Last Vegas, “the Hardest Town” – Rhino Bucket, “Red Light Fever” – Hot Leg, “Everyday Demons” – the Answer, “Revolve” – Danger Danger, “Mission To Rock” – Cockpit, and the self titled debuts from Chickenfoot and Charm City Devils. When push came to shove I still couldn’t pick a Top 10…so instead here are my Top 11 albums of ’09. Agree or Disagree, Love’em or Hate’em Enjoy…
11. Livin’ Out Loud – Johnny Lima
How can any fan of 80’s inspired hard rock not love this album is beyond me. This album delivers in every way great catchy, sing along songs perfect for dropping the top singing along too and playing some air guitar on the steering wheel. “All I Wanna Do”, “Wildflower”, “Caught In The Middle”, “I’m On Fire”, and the title track are all great good time songs that put a tap in your feet and a smile on your face. By far the best album from Johnny Lima so far.
10. Black Robot – Black Robot
I moved from Alaska to Texas this past summer, and in case you don’t know it is a hell of a long drive from Alaska to Texas. There are no telling how many hundreds of miles Black Robot kept me company and awake on that trip. I have to admit I was first drawn to Black Robot by the fact that it featured ex-members of Buckcherry, but once I heard the music I was hooked. Huck Johns & JB Brightman have put together one “Baddass”, raw, punch in the face band, from their AC/DC flavored cover of “Cocaine”, which I think is one of the best songs of the year, to the foot stomping rebel rousing “Baddass”, and even to the bluesy ballad “Stop The World” Black Robot kicks ass, one of the best road trip albums out today and it definitely makes me look forward to the band’s future albums.
9. Tunnel – Tunnel
Another great road trip album, Tunnel has already logged some miles with me on trips to New Mexico and although the debut from guitarist David Henzerling and vocalist Scott Hammons has only been out for a little over a month now I haven’t been able to stop listening to it since its release. “Blood On The Highway” whet my appetite for this album, but it is only the tip of the iceberg. “American Metal”, “Open Up For Me”, “In Your Groove”, ” Garden Of Your Earthly Delights” are all kick ass, groove filled, foot-stomping monsters. But my favorite song on the album without a doubt is the ballad “Into The Sun”, a song that can’t be described it just has to be heard for you to understand how amazing it is. The only knock I had against this album is the length, only 8 songs, but I’ve been told David and Scott are working on more new Tunnel music. With Tunnel, the just announced King Kobra reunion, and hopefully something new from Big Cock 2010 looks to be a busy year for Mr. Henzerling and I can’t wait to see what he has in store for us.
8. Second Coming – Eden’s Curse
Definitely a change of pace from what you’ve seen from me so far, but a great album nonetheless. Second Coming was released in the last part of ’08, but it took a few months for it to grab hold of me. Once it did though it was like a stranglehold that hasn’t let go yet. 13 tracks of epic melodic metal at damn near it’s best, of course there is the much ballyhooed duet with Pamela Moore “Angels & Demons”. But that is only the beginning for Second Coming, in my opinion songs like “Lost In Wonderland”, “Sail On”, & “West Winds Blow” are just as strong as the title track. There’s no doubt “Just Like Judas” is my favorite track on the album, Michael Eden and Thorsten Koehne sound fantastic, but the rhythm section of bassist Paul Logue and drummer Pete Newdeck are absolute monsters. “Signs of Your Life” and “Lost Soul” are two more stand-outs. Any fan of melodic metal should have this album in their collection.
7. Time Elevation – Grand Design
Swedish rockers Grand Design came from out of nowhere and just knocked me on my ass with their debut “Time Elevation”. One listen to “Sad Sound of Goodbye” is all it took to hook me, and when you add tracks “Hello, Mr. Heartache”, & “Love Sensation” that is just more icing on the cake. Besides the tracks mentioned above “Let’s Go Down Fighting”, “Air It Out”, “Love Will Know” and “Piece of the Action” are all stand-out tracks. Def Leppard 80’s inspired rock is what Pelle Saether and company have going on here and they are not ashamed to admit it, and when the music is this damn good why should they be? Buy Time Elevation you will not be disappointed in the least bit.
6. Need To Believe – Gotthard
To be honest I was late in the game in finding out about Gotthard, but once I did I was all over Amazon and E-Bay trying to get my hands on everything I could from these Swiss rockers. I was excited when Need To Believe was announced and counting down the days until it was released because it was their first release I was able to get hot off the presses. Steve Lee and friends did not disappoint at all with tracks like “I Don’t Mind”, the title track, “Unconditional Faith”, & “Right From Wrong”. “Need To Believe” is a great album, in fact their whole damn catalog is pretty amazing, in a very small amount of time they have become one of my favorite bands. Why this band is not better known here in the U.S. just boggles my mind. Don’t be an idiot like me and wait to get to know Gotthard. You’ll be missing out on some of the best quality hard rock around today.
5. Heaven’s Basement – Heaven’s Basement
I spent the better part of this year telling anyone who would listen how awesome Heaven’s Basement are. Although there are only six songs on their e.p. every one of them back up my claim and so do the other ten songs they have had posted on their website and myspace over the past year. This British band are no joke, and definitely not a flash in the pan. Give a listen to “Tear Your Heart Out”, “Can’t Let Go” or “Executioner’s Day” from the e.p. or go over to their myspace and give “10 Minutes”, “No Pity”, or “Mirrors” a go either the way the music will do the talking and show you Heaven’s Basement are the real deal. With their full length debut of all new material hopefully seeing the light of day in 2010, Heaven’s Basement is a name you will be hearing a lot of in the future.
4. Sonic Boom – Kiss
The hottest band in the land are back with what is easily their best album in years. There were a lot of times in the past where it sounded to me like Kiss were just going through the motions. Yes they were putting out pretty decent music, but it didn’t sound like they were having fun with that music. What I love about “Sonic Boom” is the fact that the band sounds like they were having a blast recording this album. Paul Stanley sounds great and I don’t think Gene Simmons has ever sounded better, and songs like “Never Enough”, “Yes I Know (Nobody’s Perfect)”, and “Stand” are proof of that, but in my opinion Tommy Thayer steals the show on Sonic Boom. His playing is brilliant without stepping all over Ace Frehley’s legacy and his track “When Lighting Strikes” is definitely one of the stand-out songs. I hope the band as a whole are able to hold on to that energy and excitement to deliver another album as great as Sonic Boom.
3. The Latest – Cheap Trick
Much like Kiss, Cheap Trick are another legendary band who returned in ’09 with what turned out to also be their best album in years. Yes it had only been 3 years since the band released Rockford, but it had been even longer since the band released an album that had people talking positively about Cheap Trick, “the Latest” finds Cheap Trick paying homage to the Beatles and is an absolutely fantastic album “When The Lights Go Out”, “Miss Tomorrow”, “California Girl”, “Everyday You Make Me Crazy”, & “Alive” show the band at their best while “Everybody Knows” and “Miracle” show a bit of the influence the Fab Four have had on Robin Zander and cohorts over the years. No matter what type of music you prefer you can’t go wrong with picking up this little piece of musical heaven.
2. Chutzpah! – The Wildhearts
The Wildhearts made my list last year with their covers album “Stop Us If You’ve Heard This One Before Vol. 1” so there should’ve been no doubt an album of new material would make my list, especially when it is the best album released by the band so far. “The Jackson Whites”, “Only One”, “You Are Proof Not All Women Are Insane”, “You Took The Sunshine From New York”, & “Mazel Tov Cocktail” are all fantastic songs, but “Chutzpah!” as a whole is simply a phenomenal album, every time I listen to it I find something new that I love about it. 10 tracks you can put on repeat and listen to over and over again without ever getting tired of . If you are a hardcore fan like myself you’ve probably already got on E-Bay and picked up the Japanese version of Chutzpah! with the 4 extra tracks I wish “All That Zen” and the band’s cover of the Jim Carroll classic “People Who Died” would’ve been included on the American release as both are exceptional songs. Ginger & the fellas may keep you guessing what a new album will sound like, but they have never recorded the same album twice and have never disappointed me. Now I just wish the Wildhearts would come play somewhere close to me so I could pick up a copy of Chutzpah Jnr.
1. Clash of the Elements – the Poodles
When I finished listening to Clash of the Elements the first time I was absolutely dumbfounded, I didn’t think it was possible in this day and age an album could be released that is as magnificent and perfect as the Poodles 3rd album. I love everything about this album, Jakob Samuel sounds amazing with his vocals, the band sounds fantastic bassist Pontus Egberg, drummer Christian Lundqvist, and especially guitarist Henrik Bergqvist, who joined the band right before the album was recorded. There are no just o.k. songs or just good songs on Clash of the Elements all 14 songs on this album are amazing songs. As hard as it was to fill out the rest of my top albums this year there was never a doubt what would be #1. In 2 years of writing at HRH this is the only album I have ever given a 10 guitar review too, “Clash of the Elements” was and still is the best album I’ve heard this year and to be perfectly honest will probably be the best album I hear in the years ahead too.
As I said before Agree or Disagree, Love’em or Hate’em there they are. I think we all can agree in the fact that 2009 was an amazing year in hard rock music and 2010 is looking just as good with the upcoming releases from Wig Wam, Last Autumn’s Dream, Keel and more. One band you should keep an eye on in 2010…Maylene & the Sons of Disaster, their album III will hit you like a runaway freight train and keep going.
Thanks to everyone that has supported Hard Rock Hideout over the past year and it is only going to get better. Don’t forget the debut of HRH Radio on Jan. 6th 9:00 p.m. CST.
For more great top lists for 2009, please check out the following websites:
All Metal Resource —
Bring Back Glam —
Hair Metal Mansion —
Heavy Metal Addiction —
Heavy Metal Time Machine —
Imagine Echoes —
Layla’s Classic Rock —
Metal Excess —
The Metal Minute — (Ray posted his list on 12/4)
Metal Odyssey —
Rock Of Ages —
The Ripple Effect —
0 Chris Laney begins preparation for album #2
Just received a new update from Chris Laney today regarding his next solo album. In case you don’t know Chris Laney is a producer at legendary Polar Studios in Stockholm, Sweden. He is also a well-known song-writer/singer/guitarist. He used to be in Zan Clan and Randy Piper´s Animal, but since the release of his solo debut he has been focusing on his solo career and working full time at Polar Studios it is very hard to have it any other way
Hi everyone!!
Chris Laney is hiding away in the dungeons of Polar Studios in Stockholm, he is set on writing-mode for solo-album nr 2 wich is planned to be released spring 2010. So far a few killer tracks have been written. Just as on his debut album as a solo-artist, he has invited a few friends over to Polar Studios. Just as last time, one song is co-written with Bruce Kulick (KISS, Union, Grand Funk etc). Another song is co-written with guitarist Conny Bloom (Hanoi Rocks, Electric Boys). The album is planned to be released late April or beginning May 2010. Some other friends are on the way to Sweden to meet with Chris Laney in his song-writer dungeon. In a few days a guitarist from Los Angeles will land in Stockholm. We will get back with more information as the work progress. Keep your eyes open and ears unplugged!!
0 Ace Frehley “Behind The Player” available Jan. 19th
Ace Frehley will release ‘Behind the Player’ a retrospective DVD chronicling his work as one of the world’s most influential guitar players. The DVD will be released worldwide January 19th, through IMV, Rocket Science Ventures and Sony/RED.
The DVD features the iconic Spaceman talking about his life as a guitar player, including rare photos and video footage. Ace also gives in depth lessons for his KISS classics “Shock Me” and “Cold Gin.” The DVD includes an all-star jam session of Ace playing with George Lynch, John 5, Matt Sorum, Chris Wyse and Tommy Clufetos. Frehley says, “I haven’t done anything like this before, but liked what they were doing with the Behind The Player series. Jamming the tracks with the guys was a lot of fun.”
Ace Frehley Behind The Player will be available January 19th at music retailers and for digital download everywhere. Or you can pre-order on Amazon today.
Amazon Pre-Order Link: <>
Also available from Ace are the following items:
AUTOGRAPHED Anomaly CD and Smokin’ Guitar Music Shirt – Limited Edition BUNDLE
Available only here on This is the only place that you can find the officially autographed CD of Anomaly and the Official Smokin’ Guitar Music shirt, together in one specially priced bundle. CD will arrive to you without shrink wrapping, plastic wrap, so that Ace can personally sign each CD, directly onto the packaging. By purchasing this bundle (T-Shirt and CD together), you save 5 dollars on each item.
AUTOGRAPHED Anomaly CD – Limited Edition
The Official exclusive autographed copy of the Anomaly CD. Item will arrive to you without shrink wrapping, plastic wrap, so that Ace can personally sign each item, directly onto the packaging. This is the only place that you can find this personally autographed release by Ace himself. This is a limited run and is only available for a limited time only. This item will not ship until September 14th. All International orders can take up to 3-4 weeks to be delivered, this time may be sooner, but is dependent on customs.
2 Jason McMaster teams up With Klown for Kiss Tribute
North Carolina KISS tribute band KLOWN announce the release of their live KISS tribute cd, KLOWN ALIVE II.
The album features KLOWN performing 19 KISS classic and obscure tracks recorded at various shows over the
last several years. The CD is packaged in classic 1970’s KISS style including a CD designed to look like a vinyl LP complete with grooves and a “Casablanca Records style” label ring. Also in true classic KISS fashion the CD contains several “goodie” inserts. A KLOWN sticker, trading card, guitar pick, plus a special KLOWN surprise.
Jason McMaster (Watchtower, Dangerous Toys, Broken Teeth, and KISS tribute band SSIK) also appears to do lead vocals on the track “Nothin’ To Lose.”
More info @
0 Krokus Unleashes “HooDoo” Feb. 26th 2010
Krokus in full bloom again: The long anticipated comeback masterpiece of our rock legends is called «Hoodoo»!
All good things take time and delicate “sound” flowers of the likes of Krokus need special care – especially when they are expected to climb the charts like an artillery of thundering tanks!
For two years Krokus worked diligently on their highly anticipated comeback album. For the first time, the slightly grey-haired Swiss rock royalty from Solothurn sheds some light regarding their forthcoming release!
«Hoodoo» is the name of the new album, with which Chris von Rohr, Marc Storace, Fernando von Arb, Mark Kohler und Freddy Steady put you under their spell and prove once again that they are indeed ageless. You will be spellbound on February 26th, 2010, when the new cd is released.
Swiss boulevard paper “Blick” asked original founder Chris Von Rohr the question that was on most people’s mind: why did the fans had to wait that long for this new release? «We are only together for about two years in the original line-up and a killer song – much less an entire album – cannot be written, recorded and produced over night. The material needs to evolve, mature like a fine wine and one needs to be critical with one self, set the standards high and allow only the best material to make it on the album. No fillers – no compromises».
When it’s all said and done, the masterpiece should sound like a mixture of yesterday and tomorrow. Adds Chris: «It was my responsibility as producer to bring out of each musician their individual strength and to continue sound wise where we left off with ‹Metal-Rendez-Vous› and ‹Headhunter›. Back to the roots – but with today’s power, unstoppable like a steamroller!»
It is no wonder that expectations are high. Next spring, when the Krokus namesake tough flower breaks through winter’s ice and starts blooming, Krokus fans will witness firsthand what «Hoodoo» is all about. Describes guitarist Fernando Von Arb: «It’s gonna be an avalanche like, uncompromising, straight forward rock. Fasten your seatbelts, enjoy the ride and rock on!». Adds vocalist Marc Storace: «Definitely a one of a kind original Krokus album that will please fans». Bassist and producer Chris Von Rohr sums it all up: «To keep the end result top quality, it was ok that during the process of writing songs and recording them occasionally tempers flared within the band. We are no lame pussycat rockers; instead we stay true to ourselves. All the blood, sweat and painstaking effort during this 2-year journey was worthwhile!»
Drummer Freddy Steady and guitarist Mark Kohler, along with Chris, Marc and Fernando promise: «2010 will be a Krokus-Year – we will put a spell on everyone. “Hoodoo” style, one at a time! »
2 Tunnel – S/T (2009)
In an interview with HRH this past August Big Cock guitarist Dave Henzerling mentioned a new unnamed project he was working on with former Icon vocalist Scott Hammons with a late 70-early 80’s feel to it, what Mr. Henzerling failed to mention in our interview is that the music from this project is the best and most enjoyable 29 minute ass whipping you will ever get.
Now some 4 months later it’s time for that project now called Tunnel to be let loose on the masses. If you are expecting Big Cock Version 2 you may be sadly disappointed, Tunnel is a whole new animal with a great 70’s vibe and surprisingly a little Lynch Mob vibe to it as well, courtesy of vocalist Scott Hammons, who’s bluesy raspy voice sounds like a mix of Robert Mason and Oni Logan, former and present Lynch Mob vocalists. If you haven’t heard Hammons singing before you are in for quite a surprise. With a little help from drummer Ryan Hoyle, background singer Marc LaFrance, and Steve Ouimette, Henzerling and Hammons have put together a great straight-up in your face hard rock project that leave you wanting more. Even though it has been released here in late November the music on Tunnel’s self-titled debut is the kind that needs to be played at maximum volume as you are roaring down the road with the top down.
If I had to describe this album in two words, groove-laden, are the words I would choose. Every song on this album is loaded with groove, but none more so than the opening track “Sound of Thunder” and it is a great introduction to what Tunnel have in store for us on this release. A groove laden, in your face, foot stomping good time is what “Sound of Thunder” is. Dave Henzerling has a very cool intro and solo on this song and he shows you can be a great guitarist without having to pull off a ego feeding flashy prolonged solo. The band’s debut single “Blood On The Highway” is next and simply put it’s the kind of song that once it is in your head it is impossible to get it out. From the opening chants to the very cool bass lines laid down here the playing on this anthem sounds like it is being played by a seasoned band that has been playing and touring together for years. “Open Up For Me” is a dirty little rocker and the first of two songs with a heavy Lynch Mob influence. Scott Hammons has sounded good on this album so far but he sounds great on this song. Amazing he can get so much feeling and emotion into this song despite it only being 2 1/2 minutes long.
After hearing the first 3 songs on this album I was definitely not expecting a song like “Into The Sun”, Wow!! Spanish flavored guitar, strings, woodwinds, horns, and yet it still manages to rock as well. While I wouldn’t call this epic a ballad, it is without a doubt a love song about someone very special to Henzerling. “American Metal” is a straight up rocker that gets us back in line foot stomping, hand clapping and roaring down the highway again. “In Your Groove” is the second Lynch Mob sounding song I was talking about earlier and it absolutely smokes, great song. The guys slow it down again and take a little Led Zeppelin approach with “the Balcony” another very cool song. Seven songs from Tunnel so far, seven extremely good songs, but they definitely saved the best for last in my opinion with “Garden of Your Earthly Delights” a bluesy dirty rocker with a great sing along chorus and a fantastic jam by Henzerling to close out the song.
If you like bluesy groove filled songs with sing along choruses and great playing, you can’t go wrong by picking up Tunnel’s debut. If I had one thing to say to Scott and Dave it would simply be I need more, 8 songs just isn’t enough Tunnel.
Digital downloads of Tunnel can be purchased at along with I-Tunes, Amazon, Rhapsody, & Napster. C.D.’s can be purchased straight from the band at or You can also preview songs at their myspace. The one thing you do not want to do is miss out on this album.
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
5 Delany – Blaze And Ashes (2009)
Soundtracks are pretty standard fare with movies, but a soundtrack to a book…that is a new one on me. Delany’s “Blaze & Ashes” is pretty much that, a concept album based on Wolfgang Hohlbein’s continuation of his successful fantasy novels “Chronicle of the Immortal”. Unfortunately, as I was trying to do my research about this series I couldn’t find anything at all about it online, although: I eventually learned that only a few of Wolfgang Hohlbein’s books have been translated into English at all. But even without knowing anything about the characters being portrayed on this album it is still a very interesting listen. There are three primary vocalists on this album each singing for a different character David Readman (Pink Cream 69, Voodoo Circle), Davy Vain (Vain), and Lana Lane (Roswell Six). They are assisted by a cast of well known and respected musicians such as Volker Leson (Wizard), Tortsi Spoof (Leverage), Jamie Scott (Vain), keyboardist Erik Norlander, and drummer Tommy Rickard along with producer extraordinaire Dennis Ward behind the controls. In spite of having such a huge cast of players “Blaze & Ashes” comes across as the work of a well seasoned band with years of playing together behind them.
Judging from the song list David Readman seems to be singing as the main character in the story and the majority his songs are easily the best on the album. Starting out with the opener “Blood & Ashes”, which is a heavy but melodic and haunting song with some superb keyboards by Norlander. Shocked would be an understatement to my reaction of Davy Vain’s “Here Comes Lonely” as I was expecting his work to sound more like they do on his own band’s releases’ and while his voice is very distinctive it the music and the way the song is sang that shocked me the most slow brooding rocker, but the end results are an extremely good song. Lana Lane is a singer I was not familiar with at all, but after hearing her work on this album, especially on her first track “Love Tears” I am now a fan, imagine Ann Wilson singing to some orchestrated goth influenced rock and hopefully you can get the picture. David Readman is back for “Incarnation” and while I wasn’t as impressed with this song as his first one it is still a decent song and he more than makes up for it on the next track “Web Over London” catchy sing along, but with heavy chugging bass and more melodic keyboards from Erik Norlander. Davy Vain’s “Distance of Love” reminds me a lot of Gene Loves Jezebel, not the greatest song on the album but not the worst either
Other noteworthy tracks include Vain’s “Planets Turning”, Lana Lane’s “Shadow on Your Heart” and the phenomenal “Dead Undead” with David Readman back on vocals. If I had been more familiar with the novels of “Chronicle of the Immortal” I think I would have enjoyed “Blaze & Ashes” even more, but even as a stand alone it is still a very worthy album.
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
1. Blood And Ashes (Vocals By: David Readman)
2. Here Comes Lonely (Vocals By: Davy Vain)
3. Love Tears (Vocals By: Lana Lane)
4. Incarnation (Vocals By: David Readman)
5. Web Over London (Vocals By: David Readman)
6. Eternity Is Yours (Vocals By: Lana Lane)
7. Planets Turning (Vocals By: Davy Vain)
8. Shadow On Your Heart (Vocals By: Lana Lane)
9. Distance Of Love (Vocals By: Davy Vain)
10. Dead Undead (Vocals By: David Readman)
11. London Bridge (Vocals By: David Readman)
Delany is:
Davy Vain(vocals)
David Readman (vocals)
Lana Lane (vocals)
Volker Leson (bass)
Jamie Scott (guitar)
5 Grand Design – Time Elevation (2009)
Every now and then an album comes along that is so good, it is hard to put it into words without sounding corny or like I’m sucking up to the band. Swedish five piece Grand Design’s debut “Time Elevation” is exactly that kind of album. Several bands have issued albums in the past year with a heavy Def Leppard influence, 7th Heaven and Wildstreet immediately come to mind, but nobody has been able to accomplish the task as well as Grand Design has. Almost effortlessly; they have taken the best of Pyromania, Hysteria and Adrenalize, mixed them into their on concoction and the result is “Time Elevation”, easily without a doubt one of the best debuts in 2009.
“Love Sensation” gets everything going and I can’t think of a better way to start the album off than with this melodic rocker. Foot stomping rhythms from bassist Anders Modd and gang vocals that would make Joe Elliott & the boys green with envy are only the tip of the iceberg for this tasty little treat. Guitarists Peter Ledin and Dennis Veldman smoke this song as does drummer Richard Holmgren. With a title like “Slugged Out” you would expect it to be a barn burner from the word go but no the guys throw everyone for a loop with the slow pounding intro before it kicks in to a full blown rocker, more killer gang vocals and choruses and front man Pelle Saether is just simply a kick ass vocalist. “Air It Out” is the third track and you won’t find a song better built for the stadiums than this melodic rocker, everything about this tracks screams BIG from the production to the drums and everything in between. The anthem “Piece of the Action” comes up next and it falls into the same vein as “Rocket” and “Armageddon It” until the solo and Ledin and Veldman are unleashed and completely shred the solo, awesome.
I hate to beat a dead horse, but sometimes it can’t be helped to get a point across. There are at least six songs on “Time Elevation” that if this album was released in the 80’s would have made Grand Design household names, but there are three songs that would have gone straight to the top of the charts and made these guys world wide superstars “The Sad Sound of Goodbye” is one of those songs a mid tempo rocker that is pop metal perfection. Once you hear this song you will not be able to stop tapping your feet or get the song out of your head. “Hello Mr. Heartache” is another song that should be a smash hit for Grand Design, impossible for me to choose between this and “The Sad Sound of Goodbye” as my favorite song on “Time Elevation”. “Let’s Go Down Fighting” would be the perfect song for Grand Design to kick off their live show with this anthem would be guaranteed to get the crowd rocking from the get go and there would be no looking back from there. “Sheik Iddup” is just a fun good time sing along rocker much like “Armageddon It” was 22 yrs ago on Hysteria. If you read my reviews regularly you should know I’m not a fan of ballads closing out albums, but “Love Will Know” is an outstanding song and this acoustic ballad would be my third choice as an out of the ball park hit for Grand Design, when the band plays this song live cell phones and lighters will be lighting up like there’s no tomorrow.
“Time Elevation” makes me want to break out Pyromania, Hysteria, and Adrenalize for a few spins, but the problem with that is I can’t stop listening to “Time Elevation” long enough to listen to anything else. Grand Design already have my vote for best new band in 2009 and I can guarantee you “Time Elevation” will be on my list of best albums of 2009 as well. This is one album no hard rock fan should be without.
Check out Grand Design on myspace, at this link.
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
- Love Sensation
- Slugged Out
- Air It Out
- Piece Of Action
- Sad Sound Of Goodbye
- No Time For Love
- Hello Mr. Heartache
- Let’s Go Down Fighting
- Sheik Iddup
- Love Will Know
Grand Design is:
Pelle Saether – Vocals
Peter Ledin – Guitar
Dennis Vestman – Guitar
Richard Holmgren – Drums
Anders Modd – Bass
0 Airless – Fight (2008)
“Fight” is the third release from Bilbao, Spain rockers Airless and for fans of Firehouse, Mr. Big, Dokken, Lynch Mob or fans of virtuoso type of players, you should definitely have this album in your collection because guitarist Robert Rodrigo is absolutely amazing on this album. Along with Rodrigo Airless also consist of Inaki Lazakano (Vocals), Miguel Manjon (Bass), and Pako Martinez (Drums) and while I’m not usually a fan of accents that can be forgiven this time because of the great songwriting and Rodrigo’s playing.
“Don’t Give Up” and “Now or Never” are the first two tracks on “Fight” and these two anthems rock from beginning to end with some great background vocals, catchy melodies and hooks. I would love to hear both of these songs live and once again I can’t stress how awesome Rodrigo’s guitar is, I am definitely a new fan of his playing. “Time To Say Goodbye” is a mid-tempo number that starts out with a nice keyboard intro before picking up steam, radio ready is written all over this song. “Twist of the Wrist” is a full-blown rocker and Pako Martinez will not be outshined by anyone on this track, phenomenal drumming from him. Another radio ready rocker “Crying For Your Love” is just short of perfection definitely the best track on the album. “Switch Off The Light” is a dirty little rocker with a touch of sleaze and some great thumping bass from Miguel Manjon, really reminds me of Firehouse. “Suffering” and “Blame (the Darkness Part II) both remind me of early Lynch Mob, particularly “Blame” would have fit perfectly on the first Lynch Mob album. “One Last Kiss” also makes a strong bid for album favorites great rocker once again reminiscent of Firehouse.
When comparing “Fight” with the first two releases from Airless the songwriting is light years ahead on “Fight”. Check out or if you read Spanish you can go to to learn all about Airless.
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
- Don’t Give Up
- Now Or Never
- Time To Say Goodbye
- Twist Of The Wrist
- Crying For Your Love
- Switch Off
- Suffering
- Blame (The Darkness Part II)
- I Don’t Need Your Words
- One Last Kiss
- Fight
Airless is:
Inaki Lazakano – Vocals
Robert Rodrigo – Guitar
Miguel Manjσn – Bass
Pako Martinez – Drums
4 W.E.T. – S/T (2009)
Fans of Melodic Rock and AOR acts such as Journey, Giant, Whitesnake, and others will wet themselves after hearing the new project featuring Jeff Scott Soto, Lead Vocals, Robert Sall, Guitars, and Erik Martensson, Guitars, Bass, & Keyboards, appropriately titled W.E.T.
“W.E.T” (Work of Art, Eclipse, Talisman) is an acronym for the bands which comprise this new act and if you are not familiar with the members previous work you should get ready for an album filled with big melodic hooks, fiery guitars, and melodies galore. Along with a little help from Magnus Henriksson, Guitars, and Robban Back, on Drums, W.E.T. have put together one of the best melodic rock records of the year.
“Invincible” is the perfect opener giving us a taste of what we can expect on this album right from the start with it grand keyboards, a driving intro from Martensson on guitar, and of course JSS’s vocals, who I think is one of the most underrated singers in the music business today. “One Love” was my first taste of W.E.T. and I was instantly hooked with it’s radio ready chorus, outstanding background vocals, and a great driving bass line that combined make you want to crank up the volume and sing along at the top of your lungs. Much like “Invincible” and “One Love”, “Brothers In Arms” is another radio friendly track custom made to light up the bics and cell phones throughout the stadiums.
Very seldom, am I impressed with ballads, but not only am I impressed with “Comes Down Like Rain” it is the best song on this album and quite possibly one of the best songs of the year. JSS sings this song to absolute perfection and Magnus Henriksson plays one of the best solos I’ve heard this year. “Comes Down Like Rain” is one of those songs you just want to put on repeat and listen to it over and over non-stop. “Running From The Heartache” is a mid tempo track in the vein of Giant and Foreigner, Erik Martensson continues to impress me with his keyboards which enhance this album instead of trying to overpower the album like a lot of keyboards tend to do.
Other stand-out tracks include “I’ll Be There”, “Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is”, “My Everything” and “If I Fall”. If you like your rock a little on the heavier side W.E.T. may not be your cup of tea, but if you like songs filled with sing along choruses, background vocals, and some stellar guitar and keyboards, W.E.T. will definitely fit the bill. I can’t see fans of Journey, Giant, Hardline, or Foreigner not having this album in their collection. Hopefully this will not be the first and last W.E.T. album, as I am definitely looking forward to seeing how the band can progress after this debut.
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
01. Invincible
02. One Love
03. Brothers In Arms
04. Comes Down Like Rain
05. Running From The Heartache
06. I’ll Be There
07. Damage Is Done
08. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
09. One Day At A Time
10. Just Go
11. My Everything
12. If I Fall
W.E.T. is:
Jeff Scott Soto: All Lead Vocals
Erik Martensson: Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Background Vocals
Robert Säll: Lead Guitar on Running From the Heartache.
Robban Back: Drums
0 The Gospel of Heaven’s Basement
For the majority of 2009 I have been preaching to anyone that will listen how great English rockers Heaven’s Basement are and how big I think they are going to be. So naturally I was thrilled when I made contact with drummer Chris Rivers back in August on the possibility of interviewing the band. The band agreed and everything was set to go and unfortunately as fast as it came together it also ground to a halt with the announcement of bassist Rob Randell leaving the band for personal reasons, a few canceled dates, and finding a new bass player, and not to mention getting back on the road to finish a European tour.
Finally Chris and I were able to make contact and reschedule, so now without further delay I proudly present to you one of the best new bands of 2009…Heaven’s Basement!
HRH: First off guys I would like to thank you for taking the time to talk to us here at Hard Rock Hideout.
Chris Rivers:: Our pleasure! Thank you!!
HRH: For the fans that may not know four of you guys (Richie, Chris, Rob, and Jonny) have been playing together for quiet a while first as Hurricane Party and then Roadstar. You released an e.p. as Hurricane Party and two kick ass albums as Roadstar.
Chris Rivers: Rob is actually no longer a member of the band, but yes, myself, Richie and Jonny have played together for 3-4 years in those bands. Jonny and Rob were actually the roots of this band, they have played together in bands since they were 14 years old. Myself and Richie joined Hurricane Party later on, we released one E.P as Hurricane Party on Sanctuary Records, soon after this the band changed name to Roadstar and later released 2 albums, the second was released at the same time as we split up.
HRH: What happened with the band as Roadstar after the release of the second album (Glass Mountain)?
Chris Rivers: We got ourselves into a very bad and unproductive situation with the bands management/label, it happened over time and one day we just all looked at each and said what the fuck have we got ourselves into. It wasn’t always like that, during the Hurricane Party days we had a fairly healthy working relationship with the people that worked for us and with us but that took a massive wrong turn around the time we changed name.
It came to the point were we all became sick of it and situation we were in, it didn’t feel like our band anymore so we ended it. We had some great times during that band, but it was totally clear to us when we had to leave it behind.
HRH: How long was it after Roadstar finished that you decided to give it another go?
Chris Rivers: After Roadstar split we all took about 6 months out in which we all went separate ways and done our own thing, we keep in touch and would regularly meet up to party, hang out etc.. It was only a matter of time before we started jamming together again! I think we all knew it was coming, it was just important for us to take some time out. There was no doubt that any of us wouldn’t be in a band again.
HRH: How did you come up with the name Heaven’s Basement?
Chris Rivers: During a party at Richie’s flat it was suggested we go down to Hevenz’s basement for a jam :)! it stuck with us from then!
HRH: Was it frustrating starting over 3x as a band just when it seemed you were starting to build some momentum?
Chris Rivers: Not really, Heaven’s Basement was totally different to anything we had done in the past! It was just us five with no ties or music industry bullshit to deal with, just 5 guys who love playing music, the band was born on energy and good wasn’t forced. If we didn’t feel any vibe we wouldn’t have bothered, we didn’t have an attitude of ‘oh fuck, we gotta start again and get back to where we were fast!!’ When we started Heaven’s Basement we wanted to build up right from the start on our terms so it was an exciting challenge for us.
HRH: You have some great songs from Roadstar and Hurricane Party such as Crown of Thorns, Roadstar, Hold My Love, Stone, Get This, Rays, and especially If You Say. Do you still play any of these songs live or is there a chance we could hear new versions of them in the future?
Chris Rivers: 100% no, that’s all history for us, there is more chance of me becoming King of England haha! We need to make it clear that Heaven’s Basement is not another version of the former band, it just so happens that 3 of us played in bands together in the past!
HRH: When did Sid Glover come on board as guitarist replacing Robin Hirschfield?
Chris Rivers: Sid joined as the band’s touring guitarist about 6 months before the end.
HRH: How did the band meet Sid?
Chris Rivers: A few of us met him at a guitar show a few years back and kept in touch.
HRH: The band has always had a bluesy sound a’la Led Zeppelin, the Rolling Stones. What are some of the other bands to influence Heaven’s Basement?
Chris Rivers: We take our influences from many genres of music, we don’t try to sound like one thing really..we know what we are which is a good time rock n roll band with influences of blues, punk and glam but we all listen to lots of different types of music so all those influences come into our song writing and live show.
HRH: You guys are a songwriting machine. You have a 6 song e.p. available on I-Tunes and but you have posted around 16 songs on your Myspace and player. Of the songs I’ve heard so far Can’t Let Go, N.P.D., Mirrors, and Such Is Life are my favorites, but to be honest I haven’t heard a bad song from you guys yet.
Chris Rivers: Cool, thanks! we feel our song writing is getting stronger all the time, there are so many ideas between the 5 of us that sometimes we have too much to work with haha! we are really excited about when we get into writing our debut album, we already have loads of ideas for it.
HRH: How did the band decide what songs would make the e.p.?
Chris Rivers: To be honest, we didn’t have many songs at the time, so we just got into the studio and slammed them down in about 2 days, the songs that are on there are actually the only ones we recorded! We recorded ‘Can’t let go’, ‘Misunderstood’, ’10 Minutes’ and ‘deadman’ in different session. Those tracks were produced by Bob Marlette, Bob is one of the most talented guys we have ever met..he’s an absolute pleasure to work with and really knows how to get the best out of a band. We are really excited about working with Bob again in the future!
HRH: What are some favorites of the band?
Chris Rivers: Live favorites are ‘Tear’, ‘Reign’, ‘Executions Day’..also the heavy shit like ’10 mins’ is fun to play! I personally love the tracks where I get to really lay into my drums haha!
HRH: When will the world get a full album from Heaven’s Basement?
Chris Rivers: We are aiming for early 2010, that’s the plan.. we want to have it released before summer 2010, we will then do the full euro festival circuit next summer. We are still looking for the right label home, offers have come our way but nothing has felt right as of yet and we haven’t felt a desperate need to find a label so we won’t rush that side of things.
HRH: Will it be all new songs or will it have previously released songs also?
Chris Rivers: It will be all new songs, I am 99% sure of that.
HRH: Will you be posting anymore new songs on Myspace or the band’s website in the near future?
Chris Rivers: We will actually have some brand new tracks on our myspace in the coming weeks!!
HRH: The band tours like crazy, you just wrapped up a tours with Buckcherry, appearance at Sonisphere, and Papa Roach. What were those experiences like?
Chris Rivers: Amazing! At the end of the day Heaven’s Basement is a live band, thats where we do our thing. Being on the road has become second nature to us, we are still unsigned so we don’t have a label giving us tour support, we have to support ourselves and we do it very well! Its quite a nice feeling to be able to do it that way, hard work pays off you know. We have had a great summer touring alongside the likes of Black Stone Cherry, Tesla, Shinedown, Papa Roach and Buckcherry..there are so many stories from these tours already haha! Playing with bands of of that caliber really pushes you to become better as well, sometimes a good arse kicking is a good thing! 🙂
HRH: You just came off the road with Papa Roach. What were those shows like?
Chris Rivers:..It was insane!!!! the crowds were wild and Papa Roach/Madina Lake are all great to hang with.
HRH: Now the big question when are you guys going to hit the U.S.?
Chris Rivers: Ask Buckcherry;) .. we want to get over to the states asap, I am sure we will be over in 2010 to take a break from Europe.
HRH: It seems like 5 new bands from Sweden come out every week, but the U.K. has been holding it’s own with new hard rock bands making noise not only Heaven’s Basement but the Answer, Million Dollar Reload, and the Glitterati to name a few. What are some of the other British bands we should keep our eyes and ears open for?
Chris Rivers: Yeah, there is a few good bands in the UK that are touring hard like us guys, we have never really give a fuck about scenes, we are quite happy to do our own thing with or without other bands but there is no doubt that a few bands doing the same thing does help each other out, just like the the New wave of British metal back in the 80s, the thrash scene in LA, the grunge scene..etc etc. I would recommend people check out the following bands, Dear Superstar, New Device, The Crave, Decadenze, Sworn to Oath, Hollywood Tease, Tequila Rocking Bird and Wired Desire. These are all bands we have played with that are touring the UK hard.
HRH: I’m a big fan of all your music both as Roadstar and Heaven’s Basement and I could sit here all day asking questions. But is there anything else you would like to tell the fans before I let you go?
Chris Rivers: Sure, a big thanks to everyone that has supported us guys, no matter when from and where from, it means everything to us.
HRH: One more question besides and Myspace where else can the fans find you online?
Chris Rivers: Facebook and Twitter! 🙂
HRH: Thank you for taking the time to talk to us today we really appreciate it.
Chris Rivers: Thanks Brian and Hard Rock Hideout for taking the time to do this!
Note: As I was putting the final touches on this interview, Heaven’s Basement announced Rob Randell’s replacement had been found. His name ironically is Rob (no last name needed)
0 Pretty Wild – All The Way (2009)
All The Way is an eight song e.p. from Swedish glam band Pretty Wild made up of Ivan Höglund (Vocals), Krizzy Field (Guitar), Kim Chevelle (Bass), and Johnny Benson (Drums). The bad news about “All The Way” is there are only six original songs on the album with the other two songs being an alternate version of “Let The Good Times Roll” and a live version of “Dangerous”. The good news is if you are a fan of the Sunset Strip’s 80’s heyday then Pretty Wild is the band for you, with a sound that reminds me of early Motley Crue mixed with Pretty Boy Floyd.
The title track kicks off this disc and it is a catchy rockin’ little tune with some good background vocals, great hooks, and a nice solo from Krizzy Fields. “Time” is another catchy straight up rocker with some nice hooks and melodies, a cool solo from Fields and the rhythm section of Chevelle and Benson play their asses off on this song. “Let The Good Times Roll” is a mid tempo rocker with a touch of acoustic guitar that is probably the best song on All The Way. “Shockin’ Teen” is a straight up rocker where Höglund gets to show off the power of his voice and Fields has another flashy solo. “Dangerous” keeps with the rest of “All The Way” as a catchy rocker with nice background vocals and a solo. “Take It Off” is my second favorite song on this album. Höglund’s vocals sounds great on this song, the song is catchy and sing along with some great background vocals as well.
While I am a little dissappointed that All The Way is so short, it ‘s a solid album with some good songs that definitely give Pretty Wild something to build a full album off of and I will definitely be looking forward to that release. For more information on Pretty Wild, check them out on myspace at
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
1. All The Way
2. Time
3. Let The Good Times Roll
4. Shockin’ Teen
5. Dangerous
6. Take It Off
7. Let The Good Times Roll (-86 Mix)
8. Dangerous Live In L.A.
Pretty Wild is:
Ivan ‘Ivve’ Hoglund – vocals
Krizzy Field – guitar
Kim Chevelle – bass
Johnny Benson – drums
1 Fresh Blood Featuring Glyder
This week Fresh Blood makes our first trip to Ireland to check out a Ballyknockan four piece known as Glyder. Formerly known as H*llyw**d, the band rechristened themselves as Glyder in 2004. Glyder consists of Tony Cullen (Vocals and Bass), Bat Kinane (Guitars and Backing Vocals), Pete Fisher (Guitars),and Davy Ryan (Drums) have taken their Thin Lizzy influenced brand of classic rock to new heights with each new release, starting with their self titled debut followed by “Playground For Life” and an E.P. “Weather The Storm”. Glyder has also toured across Europe with some of the biggest names in rock including Gotthard, Thunder, Def Leppard, Whitesnake, Motley Crue, Velvet Revolver, and Metallica just to name a few. They are currently preparing for the release of their third full length album “Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow”, and judging by the growth displayed with each previous release, the new album may finally be the one to garner the band world wide attention.
With such songs as “That Line”, “Gamblers Blues”, “Jack Strong”, and “Pretty Useless People”, the band’s songwriting skills also offer proof that real talent and skill will always out last the latest musical trends. Fans of not only Thin Lizzy, but also Blue Oyster Cult, Gary Moore, Deep Purple, and even early Iron Maiden will want to get their hands on Glyder’s music. Glyder’s music is available from I-Tunes,, as well as You can also visit the band’s myspace to preview tracks or their website. Glyder is definitely a thrill ride you do not want to miss.
4 Gotthard – Need To Believe (2009)
Gotthard is back with their 9th studio release Need To Believe, and one of Switzerland’s finest exports does not disappoint. Since the release of their self-titled debut in 1992 Gotthard, which consist of Steve Lee (Vocals), Leo Leoni (Guitars), Freddy Scherer (Guitars), Marc Lynn (Bass), and Hena Habegger (Drums), has built a reputation as one of the finest and most popular hard rock bands in Europe and around the world, but they are virtually unknown here is the U.S.. Fans of blues based, Zeppelin/Whitesnake/Deep Purple influenced hard rock should be lining up to get their copy of not only Need To Believe but Gotthard’s entire catalog.
“Shangri-La” kicks Need To Believe off with a Eastern Asia flavored intro before kicking into the song. Lee’s vocals sound great as do the background vocals, and the band’s Zeppelin influence really shines through on the entire song but especially on the solo, a great way to get the album rolling. “Unspoken Words” is a rocker with stadium written all over it, Leoni and Scherer make a great guitar tandem and Marc Lynn’s thumping bass gives the song a full sound. “Need To Believe” is a dark and slow building song until it kicks in a the chorus again it is filled with some great vocals by Lee and even though the song is dark it is still very much a sing along song and Leoni has another nice solo maybe the best so far. “Unconditional Faith” is a foot tapping mid-tempo number with some mandolin added to give the song a fuller sound with the band’s Whitesnake influence starting to raise it’s head a little, but on “I Don’t Mind”, David Coverdale’s influence is shining its brightest on this rocker from the guitar intro to Lee’s vocals and the rhythm section of Lynn/Habegger sound phenomenal we even get treated with a little COW BELL. I would definitely love to hear this song in a live setting guaranteed to get the crowd going.
Another song custom built for the stadium and bic lighters is “Break Away” an epic feeling mid tempo number with Lee’s vocals shining through once again, I could see this song being played with an orchestra and it would make “Break Away” even better than it already is. “Don’t Let Me Down” is a classic sounding power ballad that back in the day would have everyone knowing who Gotthard was because it would have been all over radio. Excellent acoustic opening that is joined by some nice piano before the band kicks in at the chorus. “Right From Wrong” is a modern sounding rocker that goes for the throat and once it grabs hold it doesn’t let go, the band as a whole sounds great on this track. “Rebel Soul” and the bonus track “Ain’t Enough” are two more straight up rockers built for a stadium show.
Any fan of hard rock should have Need To Believe and pretty much any of Gotthard’s albums in their collection, as they are without a doubt one of the best hard rock bands around today.
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
01. Shangri-La
02. Unspoken Words
03. Need To Believe
04. Unconditional Faith
05. I Don’t Mind
06. Break Away
07. Don’t Let Me Know
08. Right From Wrong
09. I Know, You Know
10. Rebel Soul
11. Tears To Cry
12. Ain’t Enough
Gotthard is:
Steve Lee – vocals
Leo Leoni – guitars
Freddy Scherer – guitars
Marc Lynn – bass guitar
Hena Habegger – drums and percussion
0 Shake City – S/T (2009)
Eonian Records have found another gem with their retro-release of Shake City’s self titled effort. 80’s Sunset Strip rock at its best is what Shake City has to offer, if this album reminds you a little of Warrant or Black ‘N Blue, it could be because vocalist Adam Shore was Warrant’s singer before the train wreck known as Jani Lane came along, or it could be because Erik Turner, Tommy Thayer, and even Lane himself helped pen some of the tunes on this album. Turner and Thayer also lent a hand in the studio producing the album along with Pat Regan. Without a doubt, Shake City is the best release from Eonian so far.
“One Good Reason” is a sleazy opener with some catchy background vocals and chorus. Guitarist Don E. Sachs lays down a very nice solo that I’m sure had all the girls on Sunset stripping off their clothes and throwing them on-stage back in the day. If I didn’t know any better I would think “Hot Love” was a long lost Black ‘N Blue track, even though I think Shore is a better fit than Jamie St. James on this song. This head bobbing, foot tapping treat would’ve garnered Shake City a massive amount of airplay on Headbanger’s Ball, while also adding to the band’s female underwear collection. Another track that has Black ‘N Blue written all over it is “Betty Blu” and while, the band as a whole sound as tight as a drum the guitar tandem of Don E. Sachs and Michael Blair really shine. “Get It While It’s Hot” is a slow, bluesy, sleaze filled song perfect for the strip clubs, reminds me a little of Sweet F.A. “Submarine” is a sex fueled barn burner with more cool guitar from Sachs & Blair, “Little Lianne” is a classic 80’s power ballad that other bands made platinum albums off of. “Lust & Love” takes us back to sleaze with some nice bass from Ray Bailey and more great background gang vocals. “Psychedelic Ride” may sound familiar to some listeners as it also appeared on Eric Turner’s “Demos For Diehards” and it played almost note for note on that album as it is this one, still a very catchy tune though. “Sweet Dreams” is an acoustic based number with a heavy Beatles influence. Another song that will sound familiar to fans is “Game of War”, which appeared on Warrant’s remastered version of Cherry Pie, but in all honesty Adam Shore’s vocals on this song leaves the Jani Lane version wanting, and wanting very badly. “Game of War” is definitely one of the best tracks on “Shake City”.
There are quite a few bands that could’ve been big back in the day, but judging from the songs on this album Shake City is one of the few bands that should’ve been not just big, but huge. Unfortunately, even with Eric Turner and Tommy Thayer’s help, it didn’t happen and that is just a damn shame.
For more information on Shake City, and to hear some songs from this album, please visit the Shake City myspace page. You can purchase the Shake City CD at this link.
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
1. One Good Reason
2. Hot Love
3. Betty Blue
4. Get It While It’s Hot
5. Submarine
6. Little Lianne
7. Lust & Love
8. Psychedelic Ride
9. Sweet Dreams
10. Can’t Get Over You
11. Game Of War
12. Bad On Wheels
Shake City is:
Adam Shore – Lead Vocals
Don E. Sachs – Guitar & Vocals
Michael Blair – Guitar
Ray Bailey – Bass & Vocals
Jaycee Cary – Drums
Additional Musicians:
Ethan Gladstone – Guitar on Tracks 5, 6, & 9
6 Foreigner – Can’t Slow Down (2009)
Finally!! Mick Jones has released a new Foreigner album with the touring lineup that includes Kelly Hansen (Hurricane, Unruly Child) on vocals and Jeff Pilson (Dokken, War & Peace) on bass, and Brian Tichy (Pride & Glory) on drums. If you are expecting a dirty, balls out rocker you may be a little disappointed, but not surprised because that is not what Foreigner has evolved into over the years, but with the release of Can’t Slow Down fans of such releases as 4, Agent Provocateur, and Inside Information will rejoice. Admittedly I was a little iffy when I heard Kelly Hansen was singing with Foreigner a few years ago, that was until I heard the Extended Versions Live album after that I was hooked. I will let everyone know this right now, Kelly Hansen sounds absolutely phenomenal on Can’t Slow Down.
The title track “Can’t Slow Down” gets us going on the right track, it has that classic Foreigner sound everyone knows and loves. I can see why NASCAR wants to use this foot tapping rocker. One thing Hansen never got a real chance to do in Hurricane or even on Unruly Child’s “Waiting For The Sun” was sing on some slower mid tempos and ballads, but on Can’t Slow Down he get his chance in spades and he damn sure makes the most of the opportunities. “In Pieces” is his first shot and he absolutely nails it, this song definitely needs a shot as a single, I have a feeling it will scorch the charts once it is released. Aside from Hansen’s vocals, Jeff Pilson lays down some very nice bass lines, but Michael Bluestein’s keyboards really stand out filling out the song, this is definitely one of my favorite songs on the album. The first single from Can’t Slow Down is next and “When It Comes To Love” is already on the charts, and this mid-tempo number will fit in perfectly with such songs as “Waiting For A Girl Like You”, “I Want To Know What Love Is”, and others. Some more nice keyboards from Bluestein and Tom Gimbel’s saxophone is a nice touch also. “Living In A Dream” picks up the pace with a little nod back to Foreigner’s 70s sound, love the horns laced throughout and Tichy’s drumming as well. “Ready” and “Give Me A Sign” keep the train rolling with two more solid tracks. I can’t see the guys not playing “Ready” live as this upbeat anthem would definitely get the crowd going. “I’ll Be Home Tonight” is another mid-tempo number made for radio, Hansen shines once again. “Too Late” is another nod back to Foreigner’s 70s sound and it could easily fit onto “Head Games” or “Double Vision”. “As Long As I Live” and “Fool For You Anyway” are two more tracks that really stand out on Can’t Slow Down.
Can’t Slow Down is a 2 cd/dvd set from Wal Mart, and like the other Wal Mart exclusive releases like Kiss’s Sonic Boom and Journey’s Revelation there is a remix cd of some Foreigner’s classics, if you have any doubt about Kelly Hansen filling Lou Gramm’s shoes I suggest you give the remixes a listen. Not to take away from the performances of Mick Jones, Jeff Pilson, and the others on Can’t Slow Down because they are sound great on this album, but for me Kelly Hansen’s vocals are what made this album. I’ve always been a fan of his singing but I think his performance on Can’t Slow Down may well be the best of his career. I’m already looking forward to this line-up’s next album, hopefully Mick and the guys don’t make us wait to long.
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
Disc 1 – Can’t Slow Down
1. “Can’t Slow Down”
2. “In Pieces”
3. “When It Comes to Love”
4. “Living in a Dream”
5. “I Can’t Give Up”
6. “Ready”
7. “Give Me a Sign”
8. “I’ll Be Home Tonight”
9. “Too Late”
10. “Lonely”
11. “As Long As I Live”
12. “Angel Tonight”
13. “Fool For You Anyway”
Disc 2 – Remixes
1. “Feels Like the First Time”
2. “Cold as Ice”
3. “Hot Blooded”
4. “Blue Morning, Blue Day”
5. “Double Vision”
6. “Dirty White Boy”
7. “Head Games”
8. “Jukebox Hero”
9. “Urgent”
10. “I Want to Know What Love Is”
Disc 3 – DVD
1. “Double Vision”
2. “Head Games”
3. “That Was Yesterday”
4. “Say You Will”
5. “Starrider”
6. “Feels Like the First Time”
7. “Urgent”
8. “Juke Box Hero”
9. “I Want To Know What Love Is”
10. “Hot Blooded”
Foreigner is:
Kelly Hansen – Lead Vocals
Mick Jones – Lead Guitar, Backing Vocals, Piano
Thom Gimbel – Guitars, Saxophone, Backing Vocals
Michael Bluestein- Keyboards
Jeff Pilson – Bass
Brian Tichy – Drums
1 Helix Returns With “Vagabond Bones” video
Counting down the days until Nov. 17th, that is when Helix returns with the release of “Vagabond Bones”. Brian Vollmer has been working with fellow Canadian Sean Kelly (Crash Kelly) on the material for this latest release, which will be put out by Universal/Fontana in Canada. The band currently has two tracks available on Youtube for your enjoyment. The title track “Vagabond Bones” and the unmastered track “Hung Over But Still Hanging In”, for “Hung Over” the mastered version that will appear on the album will be a duet between Vollmer and Russ Graham (Killer Dwarfs).
Vollmer’s track-by-track description of “Vagabond Bones” can be found on the band’s official web site,
The group’s classic ’80s lineup of Brent “The Doctor” Doerner on lead guitar, Greg “Fritz” Hinz on drums, Daryl Gray on bass, and Brian Vollmer on vocals are planning to hit the road throughout western Canada in November and a couple of additional dates in Ontario for December, to not only test drive a few of the new tunes, but to also warm up for festivals next summer.
0 Tunnel Puts A Little “Blood on the Highway”
After spending most of 2009 readying the release of their debut album, and with a little help from drummer Ryan Hoyle, background singer Marc LaFrance, and Steve Ouimette. Guitarist Dave Henzerling (King Kobra, Keel, Big Cock, Lizzy Borden) and Vocalist Scott Hammons (Icon) have posted the first song “Blood On The Highway” from their new project Tunnel. You can check out “Blood On The Highway” by visiting Tunnel’s myspace. Tunnel has also made “Blood On The Highway” available for download on the band’s new website Tunnel’s debut is set for release in November.
15 KISS – Sonic Boom (2009)
“The Hottest Band In The Land” Kiss is back with their first new studio album in 11 years. After two very disappointing albums in the late nineties, “Carnival of Souls” and “Psycho Circus”, a lot of fans were left thinking the band was through; with studio albums anyways. But seriously folks, did you really think Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley would let Kiss go out with a huge stinking thud?? I think not! “Sonic Boom” is everything the Kiss Army has been clamoring for years to hear, which is a step back to the sound of such Kiss classics “Destroyer” and “Rock and Roll Over” and the guys do not disappoint in the lest bit.
Admittedly I was not crazy about the album’s lead off “Modern Day Delilah” at first listen or even the second go around, but after a few listens it has started growing on me, which in my opinion is the best way to go. Paul Stanley sounds great, he can still seduce your mom out of her panties and she wouldn’t have a clue it was happening until it was too late. One thing I had forgotten over the years is that Gene Simmons can actually play bass and play it pretty damn good; here he lays down some nice thumping bass lines. After years on the sidelines Tommy Thayer finally gets a little of the spot light to shine on him and he makes the most of it showing the world he is a disciple of Ace Frehley, without stepping all over Ace’s legacy. On “Russian Roulette” Gene takes over the vocals and as usual it is a slow dirty innuendo laden song that Gene sings to perfection, while also laying down more heavy thumping bass lines, classic sing a long chorus, one of the early surprises on the album. “Never Enough” screams single and rightly so as it is one of the best songs Kiss has recorded in years. They could throw this song into the live show and it would fit right in without missing a beat, definitely a new Kiss classic. “Yes I Know (Nobody’s Perfect)” sounds like it could’ve been taken from the “Destroyer” or “Love Gun” recording sessions, great 70’s feel to it, this may actually be the best Gene Simmons song I’ve heard. “Stand” is yet another anthem with a late 80’s/early 90’s feel to it. Not the best song on the album but still better than 90% of the songs bands are releasing today. All I really need to say about “Hot & Cold” is COW-BELL COW-BELL COW-BELL!!! Honestly Gene has really surprised me with how good his vocals sound on this album.
Of Course, I couldn’t get through this review without mentioning Eric Singer and while his drumming is phenomenal throughout the album it is when he steps up to the mike on “All For The Glory” that he really shines, the sound reminds me of “Creatures of the Night” or maybe “Lick It Up”. “Danger Us” and “I’m An Animal” borrow some influence from Aerosmith and Led Zeppelin respectively, but Paul and Gene borrow with style. “When Lightning Strikes” marks the return of the COW-BELL and if you hear a little Black N’ Blue in the song then it should not surprise you that Tommy Thayer has stepped up to the mike and absolutely knocks this song out of the park!! “When Lightning Strikes” goes with “Never Enough” as my two favorite songs off “Sonic Boom”. The album wraps up with “Say Yeah” and with that I can say yeah to quite a few things about “Sonic Boom”. Yeah “Sonic Boom” is a kick ass ride from beginning to end. Yeah Tommy Thayer finally gets some of the attention he has earned and deserved over the years. Yeah “Sonic Boom” is the best Kiss album in years. Yeah it is possible “Sonic Boom” is Kiss’s best album since the mid 70’s. Yeah it definitely deserves a spot alongside “Destroyer”, “Rock and Roll Over”, and “Love Gun” as a Kiss classic, because that is simply what it is.
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
- Modern Day Delilah
- Russian Roulette
- Never Enough
- Yes I Know (Nobody’s Perfect)
- Stand
- Hot And Cold
- All For The Glory
- Danger Us
- I’m An Animal
- When Lightning Strikes
- Say Yeah!
KISS is:
Paul Stanley – Vocals, Rhythm guitar
Gene Simmons – Vocals, Bass guitar
Eric Singer – Vocals, Drums
Tommy Thayer – Vocals, Lead Guitar
3 Cockpit Rocks With Hard Rock Hideout
What do you get when you take four hot, wild, crazy ladies, thrown in some influences of Kiss, AC/DC, Motorhead, and Judas Priest, mix it up with some great songwriting and playing? Your answer would be L.A.’s Cockpit. If you think Cockpit is just another girl band you really need to pull your head out of the sand because these ladies are on a “Mission To Rock”, kicking ass and taking names along the way.
Skin basher Rachael Rine recently took the time to talk with Hard Rock Hideout about all things Cockpit.
HRH: For the readers that may not be familiar with Cockpit, who makes up the band?
Rachael Rine: Rachael Rine here and I beat the hell out of the drums for you. Alicia Blu is our shredding lead guitarist. Linda Lou is on pipes and rhythm guitar. Terrii Kiing is our wicked bass player holding down the low end.
HRH: Cockpit has been together since late 2003, how did the band get started?
Rachael Rine: I wasn’t finding any projects in Hollywood that I could really sink my teeth into. So I started rolling through girls as a cover band to see who fit. Linda moved here from Philly to join me and we immediately started writing songs. Shortly there after we found Terry on Craigslist. Over the next few years we went through a dozen lead guitarists who weren’t a perfect fit until we met our match…Alicia Blu. It was like playing with a kick ass muscle car in your garage for a few years and finally finding the ignition key. Time to let the machine out of its cage!
HRH: Judas Priest, Motorhead, Kiss, AC/DC are all influences of Cockpit, what are some other influences of the band?
Rachael Rine: We are highly influenced by fists pounding in the air in unison, screaming fans, and cruising down the freeway with the pedal to the metal. While at top speed you might catch us listening to Aerosmith, Motley Crue, Slade or the Stones. We just like good rock n’roll all eras all speeds.
HRH: You have a kick ass E.P. available right now called “Mission To Rock” , but for the people that are hard up for Cockpit when might we see a full album?
Rachael Rine: We are currently stowed away at a secret location writing and getting ready to record some new tunes. I’m not sure when it will be done. There might be some touring in between recording sessions. Once we have an idea as to when it will be released you will definitely hear from us!
HRH: Four ladies in a band…Do you have a hard time with people taking Cockpit seriously, especially being in a hard rock band?
Rachael Rine: It’s really not a problem for us. We are a far cry from a lot of the all girl novelty acts that are out there. Sometimes people are skeptical, but once they hear the tunes and see us play it’s pretty obvious we are a real rock band. Just like the boys, but we smell better on tour. People come out of curiosity and go home singing our songs, wearing our T-shirt, and telling all their friends about their new favorite band.
HRH: How long does it usually take to make people believers?
Rachael Rine: I’m not really sure, I’d guess one chorus? I do know that every show we play, we pick up a ton of new fans. The bottom line is that Cockpit fans are the best in the land! We love you all to pieces!
HRH: Every time I get a tweet or a message from you four, it seems like you’re in Hollywood raising hell on Sunset Strip. Everyone has heard the stories of Sunset back in the 80’s, but what is the music scene like there now?
Rachael Rine: We were wee babies in the ‘80s so we can’t really compare our experience to that. The strip definitely still has its moments. Wherever we are whether it’s Hollywood or Mankato, we make sure we are having a blast. Everyone around us is always invited to join in. If you’re going to buy the ticket, you may as well enjoy the ride!
HRH: What are some bands from L.A. you think we should be keeping our ears open for?
Rachael Rine: Cockpit haha! No one immediately comes to mind that you already don’t know about from LA. However, you should check out The Last Vegas from Chicago. We toured with them recently and let me tell you, those boys put on one hell of a rock ‘n’ roll show night after night.
HRH: Cockpit has the chance to open for any band active today, but only one. Who would the four of you pick?
Rachael Rine: That’s a tough one. There are so many bands we all love and would sound great with. We’ve also been lucky enough to play with a lot of our idols already. If forced to choose, and if they keep it together, I’d have to say Aerosmith. It’s kind of a rite of passage thing. So many great bands learned the ropes from Aerosmith or Ozzy.
HRH: So you got to tell us where we can find Cockpit online?
Rachael Rine:
Bonus Question: Do you think Cockpit would make a good house band at Fangtasia?
Rachael Rine: Funny you should ask, we’ve headlined there a couple times! It’s filmed at a bar here in California that we have blown the roof off of. However, “Cockpit- The house band at Fangtasia” has a nice ring to it. I hope the Vamps could handle us!! They’d have their hands full! So, when do we start?
0 ZO2 Launches Z-Rock Contest
Ever wanted to voice your opinion about your favorite t.v. show? Well now Brooklyn, New York’s ZO2 gives you the chance with this recent post concerning a new contest their website.
ZO2 wants to know what you think of Z Rock.
Here’s your chance to share your opinions and be entered to win fun prizes at the same time. What’s better than that?
Visit and fill out the questionnaire completely (answer honestly – you aren’t being graded) by Friday, October 18th and you’ll instantly be entered to win.
Five lucky winning names will be drawn at random from the eligable contestants. Winners will receive an autographed copy of Z Rock’s first season, an autographed copy ZO2’s new CD Casino Logic, an autographed copy of a Z Rock poster and all 4 collectable playing cards. That’s right: not one prize, not two prizes, not even three prizes – all five winners will receive all five prizes!!!
Enter now…
While you’re there you can also preview tracks from the band’s latest release “Casino Logic”.
0 Covered Call – Money Never Sleeps (2009)
“Money Never Sleeps” is the debut of the five man Swedish band Covered Call. Formed in 2006 by drummer Ronny Svanströmer and guitarist Joel Carlsson, who recruited bassist Thomas Thulin and second guitarist Morgan Rosenquist before finding Ex Candlemass and Therion vocalist Thomas Wikström to complete the lineup. At first listen “Money Never Sleeps” does not have any stand out tracks, but after a couple of listens you will find an album that is solid from beginning to end where the melody and hooks grab you and each song builds momentum for the next song.
“All Because of Me” is the first track on “Money Never Sleeps”. It’s a mid tempo rocker that is usually found as the third or fourth track on most albums, but is a good song nonetheless with a nice solo and some sing along verses. “Til The End” is a great rocker balls out from the beginning again Carlsson has a nice solo, but Thomas Thulin’s bass sounds awesome on this track. “Shine” is a song that caught me completely off guard as it is a cover of one my favorite songs by Mr. Big from their “Actual Size” album. While Wikström is no Eric Martin, he and the band still do this song justice giving it a heavier sound but still as melodic as the original version. “Never Again” is where “Money Never Sleeps” grabbed my attention and takes off great heavy melodic song that should get the band some radio spins. It probably wont get played in the United States because U.S. radio doesn’t play songs this good. It will definitely receive airplay in Europe.
“Anything You Want” is a piano ballad with some beautiful playing throughout. “I Wanna Be Free” is a hard rocking anthem built for the live show with a great intro by Carlsson and once again some great bass lines from Thulin. “Nothin’ At All” is another great sing along foot tapping melodic rocker. Carlsson and Rosenquist’s playing really shines on this song as does Wikström’s vocals. The title track “Money Never Sleeps” is another anthem with some great background vocals and the song is just plain fun, a great song for the summer to blast on a road trip.
Looks or listens can be deceiving on “Money Never Sleeps” at first listen. But Covered Call have one of the best kinds of albums the kind that grow on you with each listen and hook you with some great songs and great playing. Definitely makes me look forward to their next album.
Covered Call can be found online at or
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
- All Because of Me
- Til’ the End
- Shine
- Never Again
- Anything You Want
- I Wanna Be Free
- Nothing at All
- Money Never Sleeps
- What About Us
- Let’s Make It Real
Thomas Vikstrom – Lead vocals
Joel Carlsson – Guitar
Thomas Thulin – Bass
0 Badmouth launches “Take Your Toothbrush With You” tour with Kingdom Come, L.A. Guns, and Pretty Boy Floyd
Swedish rockers Badmouth will kick off the next leg of their “Take Your Toothbrush With You” European tour in support of Kingdom Come throughout the month of Sept. The 8 scheduled dates will see Badmouth traveling throughout Scandinavia, Germany, Austria, and Denmark. After the Kingdom Come tour wraps up Badmouth will support Tracii Gun’s L.A. Guns on a 5 date Scandinavian tour in late Sept./early Oct. and Pretty Boy Floyd with a 4 date December tour of Sweden. You can keep up to date with Badmouth by visiting or
0 Fresh Blood Featuring The Driving Conditions
AC/DC, Rose Tattoo, Airbourne, the Angels, the Poor all play Australian Pub Rock at it’s best, and now you can add Brisbane’s the Driving Conditions to that list. Any fan of the above mentioned bands or Rhino Bucket should definitely check this four-piece out immediately if not sooner!! Made up of Woody (Lead Vocals), Nathan Ward (Guitars), Sol Freeman (Bass), and Dave “Stapleguns” Stapleton on drums have been together since 2005 when brothers in law Nathan and Sol formed Nathan Ward’s Driving Conditions and released their debut album a rootsy flavored “NWDC”, but wanting to add more of a rock edge the guys brought in Woody on vocals followed by drummer Dave Stapleton to complete the line up and rechristened themselves the Driving Conditions.
2007 saw the release of the band’s debut EP simply titled, Rock n Roll. Recorded by legendary Geordie Leach “Rock n Roll” captured that authentic Aussie Rock sound reminiscent of bands like Rose Tattoo, ACDC and The Angels, which is very evident on such songs as “Rock n Roll”, “STR8 2 Hell”, “Black Hawk Down”, and “Better Off Dead”, all in your face straight up rockers that will get you going like a swift kick in the ass. The guys have toured Australia with big name Australian acts as Jimmy Barnes, The Angels, The Radiators, Dallas Crane and Rose Tattoo but now they are getting ready to set their sites on the U.S. and Europe with the upcoming release of “Full Throttle” in Sept.
You can check out the Driving Conditions at their myspace page or you can visit the band at where you can also purchase “Rock n Roll” for about $13.00 USD.
0 Hard Rock Hideout Interviews Danger Danger’s Ted Poley
Ted Poley, THE voice of Danger Danger recently talked to Hard Rock Hideout about the upcoming release of Danger Danger’s new album “Revolve”, an album 5 years in the making and also his newest solo effort “Greatestits” which is a retrospective of his post Danger Danger career and a couple of glimpses of the future as well with the tracks “You Won’t See Me Cryin'” & “Tokyo Nights”
HRH: Ted, first of all thank you for taking the time to talk to us today.
Ted Poley: Thank You!
HRH: It’s been 5 years since it was first announced you had rejoined Danger Danger. How excited are you for all of D2s fans to hear the new songs on “Revolve”?
Ted Poley: Very Excited! In my opinion it’s the best D2 c.d. yet!
HRH: In my review of “Revolve” I described the sound as coming from an older more mature band with 20+ years of music business experience behind them. Would you agree with that description?
Ted Poley: Well, we are older but I am not more mature…I just released a Greatetits c.d. with boobs on the cover…(Laughing) The c.d. rocks that’s all I know.
HRH: When it was announced you were rejoining Danger Danger in 2004 it had been 11 years or so since you had played with Steve and Bruno. What was it like that first show back at the Sweden Rock Festival?
Ted Poley: I don’t remember, the photos look cool though. Actually it was my first day back and it was in front of the biggest crowd D2 has ever played for.
HRH: What was it like going back in the studio with them the first time to work on the new album? Did you feel nervous or more like you had never left?
Ted Poley: It was just another studio gig for me. It was great to work with Bruno because he is such a good producer and I knew he would make my vocals perfect, so I trusted him and just let him direct me in order to get exactly what he wanted. Some lines are first takes and some phrases he made me sing 20 times until I got just the right feel for him. I never argued with him once, I trusted him completely in the studio and it came out exactly as I expected, Killer.
HRH: I guess one question a lot of people would like to know is why did it take so long for “Revolve” to be recorded and released?
Ted Poley: No idea, that’s a question better left for my 2 bosses.
HRH: What songs are you looking forward to singing off of “Revolve”?
Ted Poley: I hope we play “That’s What I’m Talking About”, it would be a fantastic way to open the show. I also think that “F.U. Money” would be a great crowd sing along.
HRH: How many songs off the new album will you play live?
Ted Poley: Again, I don’t plan that stuff, it’s up to Westy & Bruno. I’m just the eye candy. (Laughing)
HRH: Speaking of playing live will D2 have a full fledged tour of the states or will it be more like pick and choose dates?
Ted Poley: It’s always pick and choose with us. When D2 is off the road (most of the time) I go out and tour the world as a solo artist. I have solo dates coming up in the USA, Brazil, UK, and Peru. Check my Myspace page for all tour dates, and please visit to buy my new 2 c.d. set “Ted Poley – Greatestits”
HRH: Of course Danger Danger released 3 albums (Dawn, Four the Hard Way, and the Return of the Great Guildersleeves) with Paul Laine on vocals. It seems like most singers do not like playing songs off of albums they weren’t involved with. Are there any songs from those albums you would like to sing live or put your touch on?
Ted Poley: Not really, I really like “Grind” and “Dead, Drunk, and Wasted” and wouldn’t mind singing those songs. But I don’t really know anything from their other c.d.’s, I’ve never heard them I only have that one Guildersleeves c.d. But I do have a back catalog of over 40 D2 songs that I actually recorded so there’s plenty to choose from.
HRH: D2 played this year’s Rocklahoma in July what was the crowd’s reaction to the band?
Ted Poley: Well they looked pretty hot to me. It was way over 100 degrees and sunny. We didn’t play any of the new songs but the band and the crowd had a blast!
HRH: How did it feel playing with a heat index of 114 degrees that must’ve been hard?
Ted Poley: Hard, Yes! The hardest gig of my life, my mic was so hot that I had to keep switching hands! My new tattoos were fucking bleeding!! All of the ink from the session I had 4 days before Rocklahoma has to be redone, the colors faded and I sweated out all of the ink!! I had to keep pouring ice cold water over my head to keep from passing out, but it was fun. I would do it again, but hopefully not in the same time slot. It was the lethal 4:45 slot in direct sun with no shade and no place to hide!
HRH: What are the chances of the fans seeing a full reunion with Andy and Kasey coming back to play with D2?
Ted Poley: Nothing is impossible, but that is improbable. Personally I would love to see a reunion show with all of the original band members and film it for DVD release.
HRH: Since you returned to Danger Danger you have released 2 solo albums, a Poley/Rivera album, and a project called Pleasure Dome, and the newly released Greatestits Vol. 1 so you definitely haven’t been sitting around waiting. After everything involving “Revolve” slows down will we be seeing a new Poley/Rivera album or a new Pleasure Dome album?
Ted Poley: Pleasure Dome, great c.d. but nothing more is being planned, it was a one-off project. Poley/Rivera? Hell Yeah! We are already writing, upgrading the studio and getting ready to record the next one for a planned Fall 2010 release.
HRH: You covered a lot of ground musically with Greatestits Vol 1. What has the initial reaction to the album been?
Ted Poley: Completely amazing! Fans love it, it’s selling out fast though there are still a few available at It’s one of the most popular c.d.’s I’ve ever released, if you are reading this and you don’t have a copy yet. What are you waiting for? Come & get it!
HRH: One song that really caught my attention is “Wastin’ Your Luv” simply because it is the heaviest song I have ever heard you sing. What project was that initially recorded for?
Ted Poley: Many people have told me that! It’s my buddy Jack Frost. We did it for his really great solo c.d. He is one of the Gods of Metal and one of my best friends He has a ton of fans worldwide, please look him up and buy his stuff, that’s one of the reasons I made my “Greatestits” c.d. so fans could discover new things and go buy them.
HRH: Last year Andy Timmons and you played some shows together in Brazil for the first time in 15 years. What was it like playing with Andy again in a live setting?
Ted Poley: Well I find that playing in a live setting is better than playing in a dead setting. (laughing) No seriously, it was a total wet dream come true, Andy is a great guitar player and a great guy. I had fun with Andy at many Brazilian Churrascurias. We would eat Brazilian BBQ and drink red wine. Andy is quite the wine conneseur. I called him “Andy Winehouse”! He knows what he wants and “He knows how to drink it” (sung to the tune of Naughty Naughty)
HRH: He also co-wrote and played the solo “Yeah You Want It” on “Collateral Damage”. Is there any chance we could see the two of you working together on your next solo album or maybe a project together?
Ted Poley: I wish! If he ever needs me for anything I am on call! I was so happy when he played on that song, he wrote it along with Bob Held, it’s on my “Greatestits” c.d. available at (laughing) seriously buy it now!
HRH: You were recently immortalized by C.C. Banana with the song “Ted Poley”, which is a parody of Kiss’s “Unholy”. For the people that may not know, what’s the story behind that song?
Ted Poley: One day, very early in our first tour with Kiss, I am backstage right after the D2 set and I am walking to my dressing room where my whole band was already waiting for me. I looked down the long typical white cinderblock arena backstage corridor towards my dressing room , and to my horror, there stood Paul Stanley, my ultimate hero, the Starchild, with his cool black Paul Stanley cowboy hat on, looking just as cool as fucking ice, walking in my direction. I knew at that point that it was inevitable. Our paths were going to cross. This was IT. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it was going to leap out of my mouth.
This was my big chance, the chance I had waited for ever since i carved my first KISS logo into that first math desk. “in 10 seconds” I thought to myself, ” I am going to speak to Paul Stanley… and then, just as Paul walked past me – nothing!
Not one word would come out of my mouth. In the blink of an eye, all of a sudden I am Helen Keller. My mind just went blank and i put my head down and just kept walking. I fucking BLEW my big moment to say hello to Paul Stanley. I had shamed myself and my bandmates, none of who had met KISS yet and who all probably saw the whole thing.
I made it to the other end of the corridor, completely crushed and disappointed in myself…when all of a sudden at full volume, the corridor boomed with the Voice.
And to the tune of “UNHOLY” he sang…”TED POLAAAAAYYYYY”
I heard it. My band heard it. But for a second, I still couldn’t believe it, until Westy said real loud, “Yeah, he knows you!” and everyone laughed, including Paul.
At that moment, I turned around to see Paul smiling at me with his hand out to shake mine…Paul Fucking Stanley, the coolest guy on Planet Earth.
He knew I was too shy to say hello. He had been watching my show, and I still don’t know how or why but he knew MY name and he sang it. I finally got a chance to say hello to Paul and life was finally complete.
I never made a million dollars but I wouldn’t have traded that moment for the million even if I had gotten it. I have seen Paul a few times at KISS concerts over the years since then as a fan and I still get the same thrill every time he says “Hi Ted”. So, to make a short story longer – Paul actually came up with the “Ted Poley” chorus…it was his idea 15 years ago and my buddy C.C. filled in the blanks.
HRH: When everything is said and done, musically what would you like to be remembered for?
Ted Poley: I guess being a good singer, a good live front man, making a lot of people around the world smile and releasing a c.d. called “Greatestits” with boobs on the cover.
HRH: You are on Myspace and is there any other ways fans can keep up to date with you online?
Ted Poley:, your one stop shopping spot for all things Ted Poley.
HRH: Ted, once again thank you for taking the time to talk to us today. Is there anything else you would like to tell the fans before we let you go?
Ted Poley: Yes! Thank you everyone for enabling me to continue to live my life long dream. I love you all and hope to see you on the road sometime soon. Oh! And please buy my “Greatestits” c.d. set at