Winger – IV
I hesitated picking up Winger – IV based on some other comments I have read regarding this disc. I have always like Kip Winger’s voice and Reb Beach’s guitars, so I figured I may as well give this a chance.
If you pick up IV thinking you are going to hear songs similar to Seventeen, and Madalaine, you will be greatly disappointed. This release is a more modern sounding rock record. The bubblegum pop metal goodness of past Winger releases is gone. This a more of a more melodic/AOR rock album.
This disc starts off with a heavy yet melodic track Right Up Ahead. I have listened to this track a few times and have grown to like it more. Blue Suede Shoes is an acoustic driven track with a great vocal by Kip. This is one of those songs that needs to grow on you. Four Leaf Clover is a more upbeat modern rock style track. I am not crazy about this song.
I expected a song with a name like M16 to blow me away. The rhythm to this track is unmistakably Winger. I have grown to like this track with time.
Your Great Escape is an upbeat rocker. Reb’s guitars shine on this track. This is my favorite track from this disc.
Disappear is an interesting track with a moody sounding keyboard synthesizer to start the track off with, but flows into a sound that is more reminiscent of, In the Heart of the Young Era Winger. I like this track alot.
On A Day Like Today is a low tempo number. Kip’s vocals sound good, but this is a track that doesn’t stick with you for very long.
Living Just to Die is a heavier up tempo number. This is another track that has grown on me quite a bit. Short Flight to Mexico continues on a heavy pace, and is another enjoyable track.
Generica is one of those tracks that grow on you with time. I didn’t like this track the first couple of times that I heard it, and have grown to like this one too.
Can’t Take it Back is a low to mid tempo number that sounds better LOUD!
You can hear some of the songs at Winger’s my space page at
I have updated my review as of 2/14/07. Hearing some of these songs live has changed my perspective completely. I don’t think my initial review was fair, so I made some updates.
Rating: Out of 10
Track Listing:
- Right Up Ahead
- Blue Suede Shoes
- Four Leaf Clover
- M16
- Your Great Escape
- Disappear
- On A Day Like Today
- Living Just To Die
- Short Flight to Mexico
- Generica
- Can’t Take it Back
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Hey,…where’s “bob_vinyl”…Winger is right up his alley!!!!
I have tried and tried to listen to this, but each time, I seem to get bored with it. I really liked the Anthemic qualities of the first two Winger discs. That is totally missing from IV. I am sure the guys have matured in style, but I am just not getting into it. I still like them, but this one didn’t do it for me.
I still haven’t picked this up. I wanted it the day of release and the store sold the only copy they had. I’ve read some mixed reviews and I still can’t decide if it’s worth getting. Some say it’s more along the lines of PULL (1993) and some say it’s more along the lines of Kip’s solo albums.
I hate to say it as i love Winger, especially Kips solo stuff, but that album cover is gonna scare alot of people off! Gotta be the most ridiculous and childish cover i’ve ever seen.