Hard Rock Nights Radio Show on ClassXradio.com with Special Guest Joetown
Joetown is the special guest on this week’s edition of Hard Rock Nights, heard only on WMWX in Cincinnati and classxradio.com globally! Joe will talk about his latest release, Pills And Ammo, a high-energy rocker that will have heavy metal freaks bangin’ their heads all over the world. We’ll play a few tracks from the disc, along with some classics from your favorite hard rock acts Van Halen, Black Sabbath, Living Colour, Judas Priest, and Deep Purple. Along with all that we’ve got some deep cuts from Hericane Alice, Edan, Keel, and Vince Neil, and we’re even gonna throw in an M.O.D. song as well (that’s right…Methods of Destruction, baby). And some new stuff from Fraze Gang, Billy Sheehan, Motörhead, and Sacred Oath. It’s all on Hard Rock Nights tonight, 9 pm EDT, on classxradio.com!
How would you like a free CD from San Francisco’s Sacred Oath? How would you like that CD to be signed? We’ve got five copies we’re giving away over at the Hard Rock Nights blog. Click on over and sign up to win right now!
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