Cockpit Rocks With Hard Rock Hideout
What do you get when you take four hot, wild, crazy ladies, thrown in some influences of Kiss, AC/DC, Motorhead, and Judas Priest, mix it up with some great songwriting and playing? Your answer would be L.A.’s Cockpit. If you think Cockpit is just another girl band you really need to pull your head out of the sand because these ladies are on a “Mission To Rock”, kicking ass and taking names along the way.
Skin basher Rachael Rine recently took the time to talk with Hard Rock Hideout about all things Cockpit.
HRH: For the readers that may not be familiar with Cockpit, who makes up the band?
Rachael Rine: Rachael Rine here and I beat the hell out of the drums for you. Alicia Blu is our shredding lead guitarist. Linda Lou is on pipes and rhythm guitar. Terrii Kiing is our wicked bass player holding down the low end.
HRH: Cockpit has been together since late 2003, how did the band get started?
Rachael Rine: I wasn’t finding any projects in Hollywood that I could really sink my teeth into. So I started rolling through girls as a cover band to see who fit. Linda moved here from Philly to join me and we immediately started writing songs. Shortly there after we found Terry on Craigslist. Over the next few years we went through a dozen lead guitarists who weren’t a perfect fit until we met our match…Alicia Blu. It was like playing with a kick ass muscle car in your garage for a few years and finally finding the ignition key. Time to let the machine out of its cage!
HRH: Judas Priest, Motorhead, Kiss, AC/DC are all influences of Cockpit, what are some other influences of the band?
Rachael Rine: We are highly influenced by fists pounding in the air in unison, screaming fans, and cruising down the freeway with the pedal to the metal. While at top speed you might catch us listening to Aerosmith, Motley Crue, Slade or the Stones. We just like good rock n’roll all eras all speeds.
HRH: You have a kick ass E.P. available right now called “Mission To Rock” , but for the people that are hard up for Cockpit when might we see a full album?
Rachael Rine: We are currently stowed away at a secret location writing and getting ready to record some new tunes. I’m not sure when it will be done. There might be some touring in between recording sessions. Once we have an idea as to when it will be released you will definitely hear from us!
HRH: Four ladies in a band…Do you have a hard time with people taking Cockpit seriously, especially being in a hard rock band?
Rachael Rine: It’s really not a problem for us. We are a far cry from a lot of the all girl novelty acts that are out there. Sometimes people are skeptical, but once they hear the tunes and see us play it’s pretty obvious we are a real rock band. Just like the boys, but we smell better on tour. People come out of curiosity and go home singing our songs, wearing our T-shirt, and telling all their friends about their new favorite band.
HRH: How long does it usually take to make people believers?
Rachael Rine: I’m not really sure, I’d guess one chorus? I do know that every show we play, we pick up a ton of new fans. The bottom line is that Cockpit fans are the best in the land! We love you all to pieces!
HRH: Every time I get a tweet or a message from you four, it seems like you’re in Hollywood raising hell on Sunset Strip. Everyone has heard the stories of Sunset back in the 80’s, but what is the music scene like there now?
Rachael Rine: We were wee babies in the ‘80s so we can’t really compare our experience to that. The strip definitely still has its moments. Wherever we are whether it’s Hollywood or Mankato, we make sure we are having a blast. Everyone around us is always invited to join in. If you’re going to buy the ticket, you may as well enjoy the ride!
HRH: What are some bands from L.A. you think we should be keeping our ears open for?
Rachael Rine: Cockpit haha! No one immediately comes to mind that you already don’t know about from LA. However, you should check out The Last Vegas from Chicago. We toured with them recently and let me tell you, those boys put on one hell of a rock ‘n’ roll show night after night.
HRH: Cockpit has the chance to open for any band active today, but only one. Who would the four of you pick?
Rachael Rine: That’s a tough one. There are so many bands we all love and would sound great with. We’ve also been lucky enough to play with a lot of our idols already. If forced to choose, and if they keep it together, I’d have to say Aerosmith. It’s kind of a rite of passage thing. So many great bands learned the ropes from Aerosmith or Ozzy.
HRH: So you got to tell us where we can find Cockpit online?
Rachael Rine:
Bonus Question: Do you think Cockpit would make a good house band at Fangtasia?
Rachael Rine: Funny you should ask, we’ve headlined there a couple times! It’s filmed at a bar here in California that we have blown the roof off of. However, “Cockpit- The house band at Fangtasia” has a nice ring to it. I hope the Vamps could handle us!! They’d have their hands full! So, when do we start?
I have had the great pleasure of seeing Cockpit play with The Last Vegas and let me tell you…..they F*ckin Rock! They are the real deal and a class act! Very approachable and cool. All very very talented musicians and wonderful people!
This EP really rocks. Looking forward to more from these girls.
May I please be a groupie..,