Hard Rock Hideout’s Wicked Interview With Lita Ford
Its not every day when you get the chance to talk to the former Metal Queen Lita Ford, but we were happy to have the opportunity at HardRockHideout.com. After a long absence from the music scene, Lita Ford is coming back strong in 2009 with a new CD, Wicked Wonderland on October 6th, a new comic, and a role in an up and coming major video game release, and of course, a tour with Queensryche.
HRH: Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do an interview with us today. It has been fourteen long years since your last album Black, and we are damn glad you are back.
Lita Ford: Thank you very much!
HRH: What have you been up to in your long break in between Black and Wicked Wonderland?
Lita Ford: Been living on an island with my husband and 2 boys. I focused on my family. Had tons of crazy wild sex with Jim – not much else to do on our island at night!
HRH: Your return to the music scene seemed to start with your duet with Dee Snider on Twisted Sister’s Twisted Christmas CD. Did this give you the itch to start playing live again?
Lita Ford: I’ve always had the itch! I was just waiting for our kids to grow up. I wasn’t going to drag them all over the world as babies! Now they’re a little older and they LOVE it as much as I do! We’re having a blast out there!
HRH: The songs on Wicked Wonderland are a bit of a departure from your sound in the late eighties and early nineties. “Crave” is a pretty cool rocker, and “Wicked Wonderland” almost has a club like vibe to it. That has to be one of the coolest Lita Ford songs in years.
Lita Ford: Thanks very much. I wanted to come back heavier than ever and I did! I wasn’t going to come back with sandals and hairy armpit music – I wanna ROCK!
HRH: How have the fans reacted to your new songs so far?
Lita Ford: It’s been incredible! Crave debuted at #2 in the USA at metal radio! All the emails, posts, etc have been overwhelming – I’ve been blown away by the support of my fans.
HRH: What was the song writing process like for the new album?
Lita Ford: Me, Jim, and Greg Hampton wrote all the songs. When it came time to write lyrics, Jim and I would crack open a bottle of champagne and let it go.We unintentionally ended up writing pretty much the entire album about our crazy sex life! Hahaha?
HRH: What is the inspiration behind the new songs?
Lita Ford: My marriage with Jim – after 15 years we’re more in love, more in lust, and have an incredible love life. Jim’s the only man that’s ever sexually satisfied me. We’re soul mates that just happen to have a taste for kink! Sex Sex and Rock n Roll!
HRH: Back in ’95, you and Jim were working on a new project called Rumble Tribe. Did any of these songs from that project turn up on Wicked Wonderland?
Lita Ford: No that was a different animal. Great stuff back then – maybe we’ll release some of it one of these days. Wicked Wonderland is all brand new. We wrote all of it within the last year.
HRH: The artwork inside your booklet for Wicked Wonderland is pretty incredible. What can can you tell me about that?
Lita Ford: Piggy D and his girlfriend Carin did an AWESOME job for us! We absolutely LOVE the artwork! We wanted to go old school and make the artwork an important part of the package. We gave Piggy the lyrics and told him to go for it.
HRH: Bumblefoot from Guns N’ Roses, and PJ Farley from Trixter and Ra played in your band at Rocklahoma earlier this year. Who will be going on the road with you when you tour with Queensryche on the American Soldier Tour?
Lita Ford: Queensryche is my backing band!!!!How awesome is that?!?!?
Lita Ford: We’ll I’m playing a few songs in the middle of their set. Geoff is going to sing Close My Eyes with me and then I’ll do a few new songs. I can’t wait to get out there!
HRH: You are playing a bunch of cities that haven’t seen you in years. Are you excited about hitting the road?
HRH: You have always been knows to play BC Rich guitars in your career. Have you added any new guitars to your arsenal?
Lita Ford: Oh yeah! Bernie Rico Jr. is making me some incredible new guitars. Bernie’s father started BC Rich! He passed away and Bernie is keeping the family craft alive! Can’t wait for you to see some of the new guitars.
HRH: We are big fans of the Playstation 3 at HRH, and are pretty excited about the up and coming game Brutal Legend that you are featured in. What can you tell us about the game?
Lita Ford: Well Jack Black is the male lead and I’m the Queen!
Ozzy’s in it along with Lemmy, Rob Halford…It’s good to be the Queen!
HRH: You also have a new comic coming out called “The Gillettes”: Family Business. What can you tell us about that?
Lita Ford: Very excited about that too! We get to kick a lot of zombie ass!
HRH: What are some of your fondest memories of your music career so far?
Lita Ford: Being nominated for a Grammy was pretty cool – BOTH times!
Having a platinum record….Those were pretty high on the list!
HRH: In closing, is there anything you would like to tell your fans?
Lita Ford: Thank you so much! You’ve been with me a LONG time and I hope you guys will be as blessed as you’ve made me! You’ve always been so good to me and now to my family!
It means so much to me.
Lita, please forget about music! Your last album was so awful… You better make love with your husband and don’t touch the guitar. And i’am going listen old Lita.
P.S.: Where is “Back To The Cave”, “Aces & Eights”, “Playin’ With Fire”? Album “Wicked Wonderland” – it’s not Lita.
Disappointing album
I haven’t heard the whole thing, but the song she had up for free was AWFUL. It’s another old 80s act that tries to update their sound…to about ten years ago. I guess at least she’s honest about being so devoid of creativity that she’s gonna write about her sex life. It’s fine to right some sexy songs (what’s wrong with being sexy?), but she’s just gross.