Rob Zombie on Rockline Tonight!
From Rockline
Rob Zombie is one of contemporary music’s most notable figures. No, Rob Zombie is one of film and televisions most respected directors. Better pick one, because he certainly can’t be both. No one has been able to stake a claim to be at, or at least near, the top of both prestigious professions at once, they’re too disparate, too distinctly different for one person to excel at both simultaneously. Aren’t they? Apparently not. February 2nd marks the release of the long awaited of “Hellbilly Deluxe 2”, the successor to Zombie’s most successful album to date. We had expected Rob to join us in our Los Angeles area studio as he had been directing an episode of one of television’s most popular crime sagas, the CBS franchise show, “CSI Miami”, but he wrapped early and headed back to his Connecticut haunt (hey, it’s Zombie) to get ready for the launch of the new CD. Also on his agenda is the massive, much talked about Mayhem Festival tour with Korn which kicks off this summer on July 25 in San Bernadino, CA and runs into August. Perhaps there was something prophetic when Zombie, born Robert Cummings, found himself sharing his name with the star of a popular television show at the time, the Bob Cummings show, which later morphed to the more direct name, “Love That Bob”. It’s not as if Zombie were born into success either. One of his early jobs was as a bicycle messenger in the concrete canyons of New York City. If one can survive that, further tasks must seem not nearly as daunting. Rob achieved dual success the old fashioned way, the American way, he worked his tail off, first as the leader of the notorious metal band White Zombie and then as a solo artist. You can learn more about Rob at and at his MySpace.
If you need an engraved invitation on a silver platter to join Rob on our next show consider this to be a reasonable facsimile because we’re fresh out of silver and our engraver quit years ago. The fact that Zombie is one of the most fascinating characters around should be incentive enough. A quick note about Rob’s directorial skills, it’s one thing to make your own movies as he did with “House of a 1000 Corpses” and “The Devil’s Rejects”, but quite another to be tapped to helm the latest works in the classic “Halloween” franchise, taking on myriad responsibilities as director, writer, producer and in a quite familiar role, music supervisor. In a typically classy move, Zombie first consulted with his friend John Carpenter, creator of the originals to get proper blessings. Instructed to “make it your own”, he did exactly that. Two more films are in pre-production and now Zombie has pierced the veil of mainstream Hollywood with his “CSI Miami” assignment. Fortunately, for those of us who love Zombie’s music the next edition is imminent. There had been some fears he would walk away and focus solely on film, but once again he has surrounded himself with stellar players, led by guitarist extraordinaire John 5.
Join us for the premiere of “Hellbilly Deluxe 2” with the multi-talented Rob Zombie exclusively on our next installment of Rockline! Love that Rob!
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