Kix at the M3 Rock Festival
In 2009, Kix nearly stole the show at the M3 rock festival, and in 2010, they repeated that effort!! Why Kix was so far down on the bill seems like a crime to me. There were better than most of the bands that they opened up for. I don’t know what fountain of youth Kix front man Steve Whiteman has tapped into, but I would certainly like some of that stuff. Whiteman is an explosive front man with more energy than singers half his age. The way he jumps and dances around on stage, you would think that he is a teenager. More importantly, are his vocals which are spot on perfect. Overall, he is just a lot of fun to watch and listen to. I can’t give all of the credit to Steve Whiteman though, as the band backing him up are totally awesome. Ronnie Younkins and Brian Forsythe do a terrific job playing guitar, and Jimmy Chalafant continues to prove why he is the best man to hit the skins for Kix. (On a side note, is it just me or does Ronnie Younkins look like Steven Tyler’s brother?)
Kix’s set list included the songs (in no certain order) “Blow My Fuse”, “Sex”, “Cold Shower”, “Don’t Close Your Eyes”, “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah”, “Cold Blood”, and “Girl Money”. There were probably a few more songs too, but I was too busy rockin’ than writing them all down.
The only song that I didn’t really care for was “Yeah, Yeah Yeah” which got very crude in this extended version of the song. That was the only downfall, and aside from that, they were excellent. If you have never seen Kix live, you owe it to yourself to at least make it out to M3, or one of the band’s local shows in Maryland. The band kicks ass, and they were easily one of the best at M3 in 2010. Check out Kix’s website for tour dates. I can only hope that Kix will stay together to write some new tunes. They still have every bit of the energy and talent that made them famous.
You can watch a couple of the video clips and check out our pictures of the show below!